Sunday, November 8, 2015

Need Accountability???

Every month, we run an exclusive Facebook group to help encourage, motivate and inspire individuals that are focusing on their fitness journey. We remind them that it is so much more than picking up weights or doing cardio. If you do not have a nutrition plan in place, you will not see the results you are expecting. 

We combine workouts, nutrition and support to help you reach those goals and we have had amazing success with doing so. Teaching you a healthier lifestyle, by changing your habits. There is no magic pill, wrap or drink - just a change in your habits. 

Through our groups, we have seen people lose weight, tone their muscles and just make healthier eating choices. Being part of a group, that is counting on you to show up and to be held accountable, makes people SHOW UP!!!

Everyone wants to be a part of something and if you have fitness goals that you need help reaching - WE are your group. Changing lives, one day at a time. One step at a time. 

xoxo Joni

Friday, October 16, 2015


As I get older, I realize how very important it is to UNPLUG. To be there, in the moment. To cherish the time we get with our family. 

Last night laying in bed, I usually read before I turn off the lights and settle in. My youngest was laying there with me, and turns to me to say. "Oh, you're reading again, I don't want to bother you mom, just wanted to cuddle." I got tears in my eyes. I quickly closed the book, held him close and reminded him, that HE was one of the most important things in my life. That, I will always have time for him, his brother and dad. Nothing I am doing, NOTHING, can not be stopped for my family.

I want to just remind all you moms out there. Cherish the moments with your children. They grow up so fast ( I know you hear this a lot, but it honestly, is so true. I questioned it when they were two ...)  One minute I am rocking them to sleep and the next, they are too big for me to lift. I am the CEO of my own company, so I set my own hours and I stick to them. Sometimes that means missing out on things that would benefit my company or my growth - but I will never sacrifice my family or the time with them for anything. An email can wait. A voice message will still be there in the morning. A text doesn't disappear after a minute. UNPLUG when needed and ENJOY those moments. 

Love to you all. xoxo Joni

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Blessed by friendships

Friendships come in all different forms. The friend that you call to go shopping with you. The friend that you call to sign up for a half marathon. The friend that you call to just hang out. They may be all different, or you may just be lucky enough to have all those types wrapped up in one friend.

T, you are our rock. God mother to our children. Friends for over 15 years. Still remember the first day we met in the D. I knew right away, we were going to be long time friends. You are that friend that is up for anything. Do you believe you have ran more than 1 half marathon? That we take off for a month and just adventure? That we matured (well, a bit anyways) from having to call for a wheelchair in Vegas? YOU make life fun. I love you. My family loves you. And I hope that everyone out there, has a Terry Beehler in your life.

Look for the people you want to hang around and that want to hang around you. Friendship shouldn't have to be work. Sit and say nothing and have the best day ever. We've done it. We've done it all. Here's to all the girls out there that just get it and just love life. If is so wonderful and so beautiful when you just get it.

xoxo Joni

Friday, September 18, 2015

Two kinds of people

There are two kinds of people on earth today.
Just two kinds of people, no more, I say.
Not the good and the bad, for 'tis well understood
that the good are half-bad and the bad are half-good.
No! The two kinds of people on earth I mean
are the people who lift and the people who lean.
There are two types of people on earth today;
just two kinds of people, no more, I say.
Not the sinner and the saint, for it's well understood,
the good are half-bad, and the bad are half-good...
No; the two kinds of people on earth I mean,
are the people who lift, and the people who lean.
Look only for lifters in your inner circle.

...... excerpt from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.

For me, my inner circle is easy - Fun loving, family first, faith based, easy going, up for a challenge, motivating, make me laugh, fitness oriented people.

These people enhance my life. Add value to it. Wish me and my family well.
They are the people I choose to be around. You have got to ask yourself ... Does this person add anything to my life? Anything? and if the answer is No ... you need to detach.

xoxo Joni

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Everything in life is a process in motion. Without movement, advancement and progression, there is no life. Once a thing has ceased to progress, it is dead. In other words, as long as we live, you and I are always going to be heading somewhere, and we should be enjoying ourselves on the way. God created us to be goal-oriented visionaries. Without a vision, we become bored and hopeless.

Life is most enjoyable and meaningful when you are present in every moment. Living in the past or future, as we often do, only serves to drain your spirit. The past, whether successful or full of failures, is done and over with. You can't change it. Worrying about the future is also a burden. No matter how much you plan, life is uncertain and the future is unknown. It makes no sense to spend your time worrying about something you truly can't control.
So instead of living in the land of "I could've, should've, would've" or "what if," try living in the land of "I am," because now is the only moment you can affect and enjoy. Take some time to notice every detail in the backdrop of your daily life -- the colors, the smells, the people. Savor every moment. Like snowflakes, no two are the same, and can never be recreated.

Enjoy this journey. Come Alive. God has great things in store for all who believe. xoxo Joni

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Choices in Life

Choices in life. I say it all the time, when the boys think they were dealt the wrong cards. 

The choices you make in life, are not without consequence. 

The boys had a sleep over and Steve and I knew that they would be up late, doing what boys do and coming up with creative ways to challenge each other. We never have a problem with them being boys, being a little loud and just being in their own little world. 

Saturday night was different. They asked me if they could hang outside around midnight and I said No. I did not explain my reasons why (I always worrying about snakes, spiders, not to mention falling into the pool and getting hurt) . I was still awake, and went downstairs to check on them. YEP, outside - playing Hide N Seek with their phones. I was automatically angry, because they asked and yet chose to disobey. 

I stood there for a moment and did what every rational parent would do. I locked the door!!!

My only downfall, was I only waited about 10 minutes before unlocking and letting them back in. I should have made them sit out there for a bit and wonder how they were going to get back in and what they would say to me. 

As they slithered in, they apologized and I simply said - Go to bed. Knowing, after their friend left, I would have words with my little gentlemen and deliver their consequence.

We assigned them to wash the car inside and out. If you have never washed a car in 110 degree weather, perhaps you can not grasp the severity of the punishment. They had to wear gloves, so they would not get burnt and they had to do several wipe downs, as the soap suds dry fast. As they finished, I hugged them and asked them if they understand our position and then told them we loved them.

Hopefully, the learned a lesson. Choices in life, right???   xoxo Joni

Saturday, August 15, 2015


 The soul of clean eating is consuming food in its most natural state, or as close to it as possible. It is not a diet; it’s a lifestyle approach to food and its preparation, leading to an improved life – one meal at a time.

 I nourish myself from the inside out. Can you say the same? 
Are you looking to improve your nutrition, loose some weight, get rid of some bloat and learn how to cook clean DELICIOUS recipes? 
Join me for my 21 Days of Nourishment Challenge. 
Get a real feel for what your body is SUPPOSE to feel and operate like. 
Interested? Send me a message at for information on our next challenge

Daily Affirmation: 
Water refreshes and replenishes me. Water helps me maintain my good health and vibrant skin. I love water. I love drinking water. I drink enough water each day.

Saturday, August 8, 2015


As a personal trainer and coach, I honestly want the best for my clients, challengers and friends. What I can not accept is when you give your all to them and they do little or nothing and then claim it is your fault, or the product didn't work, or the nutrition plan isn't working for them.  I call Bullshit.
Seriously, so the program works on everyone, but YOU? You are the exception? OR perhaps, just maybe, you didn't follow the plan. You didn't listen to your coach. You didn't eat what you should have.

PEOPLE, you have got to be responsible for your actions, or lack of. You can not start a program and stop it after a week, because it gets tough. What are the reasons you started? You wanted a change. right? So guess what? YOU HAVE TO CHANGE. You can not do what you have always done and expect change. Stop giving excuses. Stop blaming your trainer. Stop giving in to temptation and hold yourself accountable.

YOU have control of you. I see so many times, people finish a program with me and they love the results, so they stop. REALLY? You can't stop, you have to at least maintain. You have to keep going or guess what? YEP, you will gain it back, because you are back to your old habits.

NEWS FLASH - make a lifestyle change and stop doing the yo-yo diets. Take control and commit to a healthier lifestyle. You have but one body - NOURISH IT.

Tough Love, only because I love you. xoxo Joni

Friday, July 24, 2015

Surround yourself with positive people

I've heard it over and over again ... you are like the 5 people you are surrounded by most. I thought about that for a while and come to this conclusion - I'm pretty fabulous!!

I refuse to be around "debbie downers" "trash talkers" negative nellies" "20 million excuses no to try something" people. I want the "go getters" the "movers" the "shakers" the "watch me kill its".

Just for a moment, pause and think about your "tribe", your circle of friends. The people you hang the most with. Do they enhance your life? They should. If not, re-evaluate your circle. 

LAUGH. LOVE. LIVE. and be with those that do the same. xoxo Joni

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Summer Break

Do you have time for you? Do you make time for you? 

I have noticed (as you probably did with my lack of posting) that once school got out, I found it hard to manage my time and find what worked for me, my family and their crazy, busy lives. 

One boy is on the All Star Baseball team and one is on the Swim Team. Practices, games, meets and volunteer hours, all come along with the privilege of being on the team. I am happy to do my part, just find that what I once prided myself on (time management), I am having problems managing.

AND to this I say ... OH WELL!!! It will pass. Enjoy the moments that you will never get back and appreciate the fact that you have active children! Live Life Loud is my motto and I think the boys have taken a chapter from my book. As parents, Steve and I are super proud of their accomplishments and look forward to being their biggest supporters throughout their life.

ENJOY the Summer and ENJOY the moments. They go by WAY to fast. xoxo

I am blessed to be my own boss and can adjust to their schedule ... if you are interested in learning how you can work from home and be present in the lives of your family ... contact me at with SUBJECT: Freedom 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015



Love and Hate them. I love them when I can get to the point where I do not need the help of an assisted band. I hate them right now!

I have degenerative disease in my neck and the C 5,6,7 discs are all slipped. I refuse to surrender and have surgery, so I will continue to strength train and to fuel my body with protein.

Everyday getting strongee and can notice on the days when I have been slacking. It is my constant reminder to push myself.
NEVER GIVE UP!! xoxo Joni

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day


Happy Mother's Day 

Growing up, it seemed like just another day. 

I realize how much my mother gave of herself, so her children could have what they wanted in life. I was not always the easiest child to raise - a little stubborn, always chasing my dreams, dealing with heartbreaks, moving back home, etc.... MOM was always there to hug me and pick me back up.  Mom's do that. We try to support our children in their choices in life. Try to help them grow through mistakes and setbacks. PRAY alot to God. and LOVE them a whole bunch.

This Mother's Day, I realize more than ever how very special my mother is and how very special being a mother is. Thanking the Lord above for my little miracles. 

xoxo Joni

Sunday, May 3, 2015

I'm Back B*tches!

I can not rave enough about this program!!

INSANITY MAX 30 is your workout if you think you can hang and that nothing can beat you. 
I challenge you all to give it a go and see if you are not happy with the results you get in just 30 or 60 days. 

Shaun T delivers and it is up to you to find your MAX. Then, start back up. Each time you do the workout, you try to MAX OUT at a longer time. CHALLENGE ON!!!

I am starting round 2. and would love to have you join me. #FindYourMax - just click HERE to get yours and then message me  HERE to have access to your exclusive online group for support and accountability. YOU should never tackle something of this magnitude alone : )

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Last Song

I had another sleepless night and was channel surfing, when I came across the movie "The Last Song"  with Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus. I am not a huge fan of Miley Cyrus, but Liam, certainly grabbed my attention - He had his shirt off :)  For the next 2 hours, I watched this movie and cried. It touched me in such a way, I can not even explain. All the emotions I had about my father and his cancer all came back and I just let it all go.

I think back to the struggle my father went through battling cancer and how towards the end, his body was there, but he really wasn't. I thought about the girl who decided to die with dignity and I thought about all these decisions that have to be made and be made quickly. My heart goes out to anyone that is going through, has been through or knows someone going through this. CANCER SUCKS and when it takes a love one, it hurt deeps. The pain of losing my father, other family members, a close friend and a friends dog to CANCER never goes away ... BUT the one thing it can never take is the wonderful memories we created while they were here with us.

If you get a chance to watch the movie - drop me a line and let me know what you thought.

xoxo - I hope you live your life to the fullest EVERY DAY.  Joni

Thursday, April 16, 2015


We all want a tighter bottom, right? 

Well, I am sharing some of the exercises that will keep your tush high and tight. The older we get , the lower it wants to go. DO NOT let it. Keep it tight and right!

Hope this helps and SQUEEZE! 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

EVERYBODY isn't your friend

I am not saying this to be negative, I am just saying that sometimes in life we may expect certain things from people and they are just not willing to deliver. You can be cordial to everyone you meet, but you do not have to invite them into your circle of friends. 

Learn from cues that people send. Do they talk negatively about others? Are they always bring up the same situations? the same drama? something that happened 10 years ago? Let it go already. Free yourself and be free to allow only those that are worthy of having a front row seat to your life, to be there. 

Surround yourself with "like minded" people and your life will forever be blessed. xoxo Joni

Saturday, April 4, 2015


I wanted to write about a situation that happened recently on our baseball team. There was a child that was being "snarky" to some of the players on the team. My oldest, let the words roll off him like water on a slide. My youngest,  let it bother him and ended up being upset, when he got home, because of what this boy said to one of his teammates. 
I explained that, in life, you will always have those type of people, that think, they need to belittle others, in an attempt to make themselves look better. That he should not let the words/actions of one individual ruin his experience. You can not let people steal your happiness. Go confidently after your dreams and if you have negative people in your life, do not dwell on what they say, simply smile and get up to bat and SWING! 
Stand up straight, my child. 
Stand up straight!

You gain confidence through experiences. Always learn and grow. xoxo Joni

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Paleo friendly food list


Food Lists
Avocado – 3 ounces
Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
Olives – 4 ounces
Raw Nuts – 1 ounce
Flaxseed – 3 tablespoons
Coconut oil – 1 tablespoon
Chicken or turkey – 3 ounces
Eggs – 1 whole egg or 6 whites
Fish or shellfish – 3 ounces
Pork tenderloin – 3 ounces
Red meat, lean – 3 ounces
Tempeh* – 2 ounces
Tofu* – 3 ounces
Venison – 3 ounces
* This is a legume. Many Paleos avoid legumes.
Legumes & Tubers
Beans* – 1 cup
Edamame* – 1 cup
Lentils* – 1 cup
Parsnip – 2 cups
Peas* – ½ cup
Potato – 1 medium
Sweet Potato – 1 large
Yam – 1 medium
* This is a legume. Many Paleos avoid legumes.
Pretty much any fruit. 
Pretty much any vegetable. Note that string beans are a legume.
Each serving = 50 calories
Due to the avoidance of sugar and legumes, condiments can be tricky. These condiment-like foods are approved by many Paleo experts:
Lemon juice
Vinegar (except balsamic)
Extra virgin olive oil
Maple syrup
Each serving = 100 calories
Unsweetened dried fruit – 1 once
Fruit – 1 medium piece
Seaweed – 10 ounces
Pumpkin seeds – 1 ounce
Raw nuts – ½ ounce
Baked kale chips – 2 cups
Celery and nut butter – 5 medium stalks and 2 tsp. nut butter
Because most protein bars, as well as Beachbody Results & Recovery Formula don’t adhere to Paleo standards, we’ve incorporated their calories and macronutrients into the plan elsewhere. And, Admittedly, this is a thin list, so we encourage you to explore healthy Paleo-friendly snack recipes.

Friday, March 27, 2015

CHALLENGE GROUPS? What are they?

I am a firm believer and holding myself accountable and I love being part of a challenge group, that is filled with strong women, like minded individuals that are there to support and encourage me on my journey. This is what we do in our challenge groups. 

Our challenge groups supply you with nutrition, workouts and support, so you will not fail. We are there for you and will answer all your questions on nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. BEST PART - There is a money back guarantee - You have NOTHING to lose. Here is a short video to explain the challenge group even further 

If you would like to join me in a challenge, contact me at or at

Only Love Them

When you get to a place in your life, when you are truly comfortable in your own skin, things that people do and say, seem to not bother you as much. Does that hold true for you? 

Maybe when I was younger, I would let the small stuff bother me and now I see it for what it is, small stuff. I have learned that in life, I am the one that controls what gets me upset, what control my day - not what other people say or do. It is my reaction to their actions/words that is what is important.

God just asks us to  love them, not impress them . xoxo  Joni

Friday, March 20, 2015


ATTITUDE! Such a BIG word! Some have a positive attitude. Some have a bad attitude. Some just have attitude.

 You can only change your attitude when you accept that things do not always go your way and that life deals you what you think about. If you think things are bad, they will be. If you think things are good, they are. YOU deal your circumstances in life and if you do not like them, take control of them. Change them. No one makes you miserable in life. You make yourself, miserable. Choices. 

How you start your day will most certainly have an effect on the rest of your day. Try to look on the sunny side of life and just see how your life changes. The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your ATTITUDE! xoxo Joni

Friday, March 13, 2015


This post goes out to all the girls that JUST WANNA HAVE FUN. The drama free, easy going, laid back, live life out loud girls. 

The older I get, the easier it is to spot positive people and to surround yourself with "like minded" individuals. Those people that just know how to have a good time doing nothing at all. I would like to think that as I grow, my choices in life have matured and I gravitate towards those people that have a zest for life. Live your life to the fullest. Surround yourself with positive people. Love those who love you. Celebrate all the moments in your life. TRULY celebrate them. xoxo Joni

Monday, March 9, 2015

A Life You Love

Define a life you love. Really love. I wake up everyday with a zest, to see what I can accomplish. Who I can motivate. What I can get my hands into today.

I hear too often people saying that they hate their job. SO did I. I was working in the casino industry and I was miserable. Wake up everyday rushed to accomplish what I could, before heading into a toxic environment. The staff, the players, the food. All of it - TOXIC. 

I vowed to change my life and I worked hard to make that happen. I started Fitness 4 Life (a bootcamp based workout program) in 2009. In March of 2010, I could officially quit my casino business, because I had built a business that was growing and thriving.  Fast forward to 2014, I wanted more, I wanted to help more people.  I wanted to explore other things and thankfully I took the leap and designed a life I LOVE. I am my own boss. CEO of Coach Fit Joni, Founder of Limitless and who knows what I will add on. I do know one thing - I am happy. truly happy. 

If you think you are stuck at a dead end job, you probably are. BUT if you think you can take a leap and try something NEW, you probably can. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

(makes 8 servings, 2 cookies = 1 yellow container

Nonstick cooking spray
1 Cup Old Fashioned Oats
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 Cup unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup semi sweet chocolate morsels
1/4 cup chopped pecans

  1. Preheat oven to 350
  2. Lightly coat baking sheet with spray. Set Aside
  3. Combine Oats,cinnamon and salt in a medium bowl; mix well
  4. Add Applesauce, morsels and pecans; mix well
  5. Drop by heaping Tbsp onto prepared baking sheet; flatten with a spatula
  6. Bake for 14-16 minutes or until firm.

Friday, February 27, 2015


Thinking back to when I was younger and going through what I thought was life ending - my first heartbreak. 

I remember praying to GOD to help us get back together and to make things right. WHY wasn't God listening?? Isn't he suppose to be there when we need him most?

Looking back on that time now, I clearly see that he WAS there and that he was saving me from a relationship that was all wrong for me. I was meant to find my husband, fall madly in love, create two beautiful children.  I was meant to live life happy, carefree and FREE to be me! I think of the song that Garth Brooks sings so beautifully, UNASWERED PRAYERS and I get a little emotional - it is so true . Thank you for one of my greatest gifts - my husband. 

If you are going through tough times, know that GOD has a greater purpose in store for you and he knows what he is doing! TRUST in him . xoxo 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Packing for a weekend away?

Here are some tips from me to you, on how to have a successful weekend away. Pack good for you treats and easy grab and go snacks. Makes the temptations less likely to happen. I still had a few meals out, but opted for the lite fare and healthy options menu. Eating out does not have to be bad. 
Choices in life right? Choices in life.

Starting 21 Day Fix EXTREME and sticking to the plan - YES, it is going to be hard, but it is going to be SO worth it!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Raisin Bran Muffins

RAISIN BRAN MUFFINS (healthier version) 

  • 1 1/4 cups whole wheat flour 
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)
  • 1/2 cup truvia (or you use 1/4 cup Splenda brown sugar blend)

Mix together and set aside

  • 3 Cups Kellogg's Raisin Bran
  • 1 1/4 Cups Milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 vegetable oil
Mix cereal and milk. Let stand 1-2 minutes to moisten. Add egg and vegetable oil. Beat well.

Add flour mixture to cereal mixture. Stir only until combined. Coat mini muffin pan and spoon in batter.

Bake at 400 for 12-13 minutes or until golden brown. Makes  30 mini muffins - ENJOY .
A Johnston favorite. xoxo

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

5 lbs. - BE GONE!

I started February, reigning myself in from a splurge to Hawaii, trying all the foods there that I wanted, having a few cocktails and just taking a break from my workouts ( still running and doing Insanity MAX 30 - I can't stop cold turkey, come on ) just no heavy weights.

I know better than anyone, that the body I like best is 5 lbs away. Being 112 is my comfortable weight and so this new found 117, is SO NOT COOL.  I also know that, I can workout like a mad man, but if I do not control my food habits, I LOSE the battle.

I have turned the switch and will give you a sample of my daily meal plan

my morning meal - 4 egg whites 2 TB Peanut butter
my morning snack - apple or HB egg
lunch - Shakeology ( I'm addicted to it and it helps my chocolate cravings)
afternoon snack - celery and P/b
Dinner - talapia and tonight Edamame ( YUM!)

If you have never tried Edamame, give it a try and let me know your thoughts.

ENOY my friend . xoxo Joni

Saying GOODBYE to those NASTY 5 lbs.  Autumn Calabrese and Shaun T are my trainers and I can not think of two better people for the task. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015


There are times at night, when my little guy has a bad dream or just wants to cuddle, and I hold him close to me, as he drifts back off to sleep. In those moments, when I could just stare at him forever, those are the times that I never want to let go of. I hope that both my boys always need me and know that I am here for them to hold close, to comfort, to lend a listening ear.

I know that they are growing fast, and i am not looking forward to broken hearts from girls, moving away ... all that they go through as they turn into men. I will be strong for them, but I will shed silent tears when I lay down and they are no longer near.

Until then, I will cherish EVERYDAY with my beautiful boys and raise them to respect women and love that special one with all their heart, just as their father has done. <3 I am blessed.

Friday, February 13, 2015



Want to get ripped and lean in 60 days? Shaun T is helping you get there with this INSANITY MAX 30 workout! I push myself for as long as I can go, then I max out, rest and pick up where I left off, each week going further and further, until hopefully I can go the full 30 without a rest or without modifying. The pushups are the hardest for me. My legs will tire, but I can still keep going. Once my tri's or breathing gives out - I MAX OUT!

I love this program and the challenge group that we are running, because I am required to CHECK IN and it holds me accountable. NO EXCUSES . I am running this challenge group and I have to SHOW UP and do the work, just like the challengers! If you think this is something you would like to be a part of - just send me an email at

I would love to help you reach ALL your fitness goals and you can check in on me and see what I am up to, when you join a group starting SOON!!! Follow me on FB at

Monday, February 9, 2015


OK, so I do not speak the language and did not understand all the AROOing going on around me when I started the race. I saw individuals in all shapes and sizes, as I stared down the people surrounding me in the starting gates. I quickly went into competition mode and just wanted to START and get this done! My goal was to finish. That was all. 

My friend and I started out and the first obstacle was done with ease. We reach the first mile marker and we were 15 minutes into the race. Quickly I calculated my pace - roughly 5 miles at 15 minutes ... about 1 hour 15 minutes. 

ENTER the rope climb - and my first 30 burpees. I got a bit up the rope and realized that I was not going to make it, slammed down into the freezing muddy water and that is where my time frame began to hit me. This may take longer than I thought. Fast forward through 4 more failed obstacles (5 out of 26, I could not complete.) and a final roll through what seemed to be a mile of mud - I crossed. I finished! I am a SPARTAN and my body aches to prove it. Crossed off my bucket list. Happy to have completed. Not sure what my next challenge will be. Just happy to be given another day to push myself. Have a great day and AROO??? xoxo Joni

Thursday, February 5, 2015

New Chapters/ New Challenges

I wonder if the competition bug ever really leaves you, once you have been on stage and have had the  adrenaline rush? As for now, I would like to think that, that chapter of my life is done, however, one can never be certain.

As I look to challenge myself in different areas (all fitness related, come on, let's remember who is writing this) I know that I am entering NEW areas that I may not be prepared for - let me just say, I welcomed the challenge and I accepted it! Spartan race, we have a date this Saturday in Phoenix, me against you (luckily, I have some great friends there for me) I am looking forward to the new challenge and will come home with a list of what I can do to improve, for the next one. I know me, I will want a rematch, to see if I can go faster, push harder, what ever it is - I will be training for the next one, before the first one starts.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015


I have come to realize and accept, that not every one is going to understand the journey you are on, or support it. It's ok! It is not their journey to understand. Know that whatever you are doing, you are doing for your reasons and your goals. You do not need for anyone to understand it, but you. Sometimes the hardest thing in life is chasing a dream, or going on a path less traveled, but it certainly is more rewarding. ENJOY your journey and if you are passionate about it, share it with others, they do not have to understand it, but I can bet, your real friends, will be there to support you.
Courage comes in all shapes and sizes. You do not always have to be vocal about ... sometimes you can just walk in a room, sit down and listen. xoxo Joni

Friday, January 30, 2015


I thought I was living my purpose on Earth, by providing bootcamps and offering personal training to the community.  It wasn't until, that one day, when I was scrolling on Facebook, that I realized different. I saw an ad for T25 and I had always wanted to try the program, so I reached out to the person running the ad. I did not know her. She talked to me about the program and asked if I was interested in becoming a coach.
At first, I just wanted to do the workouts, but later took the time to read all the information about coaching and wanted to very much share this with the world. The bonus was the delicious shakes, and much to my surprised I have been doing them daily for a year! AND I LOVE FOOD!
 When you believe in the product, you just want to shout it from the rooftop and share it with everyone. I have been a coach for 13 months and have reached SUCCESS CLUB all 13 months. I will never stop trying to help others, for I now know that this is my calling and where I needed to be, all this time.
Funny, how a stranger on Facebook, had a part in changing my life and my family's life.  I PAID for our trip to Hawaii, I put a BIG chunk down on my new Cadillac SRX and I am LOVING life everyday, because I am PRESENT in my family's life.  Thankful for my life EVERYDAY!

If you have just 2 minutes to listen to my recording, please click on link.

Half of Something?

I LOVE this! I have ran so many half marathons, I lose track. With every one of them, comes that one individual, that you bump into that asks that question ...... Are you running the FULL or just the HALF? 


I choose to run the HALF, because I can train for it, without disrupting my family's life and without cutting back on my other training. I want all of you "JUST HALF" marathon runners out there, to know how FABULOUS you are. Never judge your worth on someone else's opinion. Whether you run a 5K, 10K, half marathon or a full, I think you are fabulous! Keep running and next time someone asks that question - I am going to simply answer with " I crushed the whole thing!"  xoxo Right on runners, right on!  Joni

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

You want a six pack?

You want a six pack?
 You need to eat like you want it. I'm not saying starve yourself for the rest of your life. But similar to the focused discipline you put into doing an Ultimate Reset for 21 days, follow the proven nutrition and portion plan of the new 21 Day Fix Extreme program and you will see amazing results.
The point is; You can do it for 21 days, and you will LOVE how flat your stomach gets, and how lean you look and feel.
Unlike the Reset, there's tons of protein and you are actually eating a lot on this plan. Plus you are working out 30 minutes a day - hardcore. I've traveled with Autumn Calabrese and seen the difference between when she's on point for competition and when she's just maintaining. 21 Day Fix Extreme gets YOU on point.
I can't wait for this program to come out. I hope you're psyched up too!


I'm sure, most of the friends I hang with can totally relate to this. As I go to put on some clothes, to go to a function, I realize that all I really have are GYM clothes. 

As much as I hate to, I guess I HAVE to go shopping. I will get my cardio in and I will get a bigger wardrobe. Multi-tasking. It's what we do best! I'm a genius!!!

Simple solutions to everyday problems. Have an awesome day! xoxo Joni

Thursday, January 22, 2015


 I like that he warns me, that I am about to get my ass kicked. Do you think that stops me? It should ... but yet, NO, it doesn't.

One thing about Shaun T is that he pushes you to your max and when you have had enough, you tap out, and then start back up again. Pushing yourself each time to go further and further. I can honestly say I am getting stronger and pushing myself harder than I have ever. WHY? Because I am part of this amazing accountability group and I have made the commitment to show up everyday and do what I agreed to do. There are days that I do not feel like doing it, and then I remember my reasons for showing up!

I want to wear that new bikini. I want to wear all my cute little capris. I want to show off my abs. I want to get rid of my little muffin top. I like my body a certain way and an extra 5 lbs on my frame is not attractive. TAKING responsibility and TAKING control.

Want to join a challenge group? Contact me here and let me send you the information needed.   or click here to be directed to my website.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Vacation time = weight gain??

Vacation TIME ... Weight Gain??

We had the best time in Maui!!!!  Spending time at the beach is one of our favorite things to do. From laying out, snorkeling, wake boarding, playing catch or just swimming - We LOVE it!

Maintaining a beachbody is not always easy. I have to admit I gained 3 lbs while on vacation - I'm not disappointed. I tried what I wanted to try, and was as active as I chose to be. NO EXCUSES - My choice. I just wanted to remind you all, not to beat yourself up for having a slip or a VACATION treat. You get a fresh start daily. You never have to give up, but accept that you are human and you are allowed to have a few slips. Brush yourself off and start a NEW day. Your choices in life, on vacation or not, can always have a positive impact on your life - Choose to be fit!

xoxo Joni

Try this classic Italian pasta fagioli soup made with white beans and whole wheat pasta.
Total Time: 25 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 15 min.
Yield: 8 servings, about 1 cup each
1½ cups dry whole grain small pasta (like macaroni or orzo) (4 oz)
2 tsp. olive oil
2 medium carrots, sliced
2 medium celery stalks, sliced
3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
4 cups low-sodium organic chicken broth
1 (14.5-oz.) can green beans, no salt added
1 (15-oz) can cannellini (white) beans, drained, rinsed
1 (14.5 oz) can stewed tomatoes
2 Tbsp. tomato paste (no sugar added)
9 fresh rosemary sprigs, leaves removes and chopped, stems discarded
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
1. Cook pasta according to package directions. Set aside.
2. Heat oil in large saucepan over medium-high heat.
3. Add carrot and celery; cook, stirring frequently, for 4 to 5 minutes, or until soft.
4. Add garlic; cook, stirring frequently, for 1 to 2 minutes, or until soft.
5. Add broth. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium.
6. Add green beans, white beans, tomatoes, tomato paste, and rosemary. Season with salt and pepper if desired; gently boil, stirring occasionally, for 8 to 10 minutes.
7. Add pasta; cook for 3 minutes. Serve immediately.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Never stop making progress on you. One step at a time and you will get there. Stronger daily. If you give up, you will never get to your goal. Enjoy the journey and keep your eye on  the prize (whatever that may be)

For me, it has always been to gain upper body strength. I am working on my pull ups, assisted and other to help in that area. If any of you have any tips or suggestions that work for you, I would love to hear about them. Please feel free to share.

Keep working towards your goals. YOU are stronger than you think and WE will achieve anything we make our minds up to achieve. STAY STRONG. xoxo Joni

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


24 hours in a day. No more. No less.

I'm too busy translated-

“I Don’t Have Time” is a Big Fat Lie I know we’ve all said it before. We say “I don’t have time” when
life gets busy or when we don’t want to feel guilty about skipping something:
 If we don’t have enough time to work out, it’s easier for us to be okay with wheezing after a
flight of stairs.
 If we don’t have enough time to prepare healthy meals, it’s easier to accept our next unhealthy
meal through a drive-thru window.
 If we don’t have enough time to clean the house, it’s easier to accept living in filth.
 If we don’t have time to apply for new jobs and make new connections, it’s easier to accept
staying in a dead-end job.
It’s not that we don’t have time... It’s that it’s not a priority... Starting today, you are no longer
allowed to utter the words: “I don’t have time”...Instead, you will say, “It’s not a priority.”... Watch
how quickly your perspective shifts when looking at life’s challenges this way:
 “I’d love to work out, I just don’t have time” becomes “exercising isn’t a priority.”
 “I’d love to eat healthier, but I don’t have time to cook” becomes “eating healthy isn’t a
 “I don’t have time to travel” becomes “traveling isn’t a priority.“
Suddenly, the excuse of time becomes an incredibly weak argument. Crap. Stings a bit, huh? The real
truth... How you choose to spend your time defines your priorities.  I spent MANY years telling myself
that I wanted to get more lean muscle, but I never seem to find the time.  It wasn’t because I didn’t have
enough time, it’s because I never made it a priority!  After lying to myself for years, I finally started
taking action.
Your priorities, whether you say so or not, are where you choose to spend those hours.  Make the
most of them!  It’s amazing how much time you can find when you minimize the things that aren’t
important to make room for the things that are. Where are you spending your time?  Just like keeping
a food journal can be eye-opening, try tracking your time over the next few days in 30-minute blocks.
How much time do you spend on the computer, watching TV, etc.?  I bet you’ll be surprised. I
challenge you, starting today, to erase the phrase “I don’t have time” from your vocabulary.  Instead,
say “it’s not a priority.”  
soso Joni

Thursday, January 1, 2015


I guess you would say that I try a lot of things. I have to find what I am passionate about and then I go in 100%. I have found that with Beachbody and with my bracelet line - LIMITLESS.

I have been perfecting the line for about 2 years and I am finally ready to open up my store to the public. Stacking them is how I like to wear them, armed with limitless possibilities. I can do anything! Or at least I believe so :)

If you are interested in a rewarding career with Beachbody, I would love for you to take a look at my site . We have an amazing group of coaches and we motivate and inspire all.

If you are interested in purchasing any of my Limitless line, you can do that on my personal website listed below.

Thank you for taking a look . xoxo