Saturday, April 4, 2015


I wanted to write about a situation that happened recently on our baseball team. There was a child that was being "snarky" to some of the players on the team. My oldest, let the words roll off him like water on a slide. My youngest,  let it bother him and ended up being upset, when he got home, because of what this boy said to one of his teammates. 
I explained that, in life, you will always have those type of people, that think, they need to belittle others, in an attempt to make themselves look better. That he should not let the words/actions of one individual ruin his experience. You can not let people steal your happiness. Go confidently after your dreams and if you have negative people in your life, do not dwell on what they say, simply smile and get up to bat and SWING! 
Stand up straight, my child. 
Stand up straight!

You gain confidence through experiences. Always learn and grow. xoxo Joni

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