Why Going Emerald is SO Important as a Coach

1. It's the first major milestone in your business. It sets you apart from the crowd by making you a REAL coach, building his/her business. Yes, we talk about how important Success Club is...but YOU can only reach so many people, you need to build a team under you so that you can grow your business and your reach.
2. You start getting team cycle you make money off those coaches who are under you. You get PAID to be a strong leader. Ultimately, there aren't successful CEO's who aren't successful leaders with a team that they lead.
3. When you hit Emerald and SC 5 (every month), beachbody gives you FREE money. Yup, FREE. It's the lead program and when people make purchases NOT through a coach, the commission from their sales are placed under coaches that qualified for the lead program. You also get FREE customers, those people are added to your list and you can build relationships with them and help generate future sales! Last month, I made almost $300 in commission from leads!! All I did, was followed up with those customers but even those who didnt respond, are still my customers.  
4. It's the gateway to truly becoming a successful coach, a sign that this is more than just a paycheck or a discount. It shows your coach and this team that you are serious about spreading your knowledge and truly changing lives!!

How do I get there?

1. Ask EVERYONE. Your mom, your sister, your best friend, your boyfriend, your cousin, your aunt, your neighbor. Literally ASK EVERYONE you love, that loves support you in your new endeavor. Tell them what this business has done for you, for other coaches and where you want to take it.
2. Look through your challengers. Find those who stick out as strong leaders, ask them to take on the "challenge" of posting daily motivation for the group. Then, ask you want to get paid to do that? Do you want to do what I do?
3. USE your COO and the webinars focused on sharing the business opportunity. Create a "what is COACHING Opportunity" and know that I will personally help you with that. Follow up with those who get on, answer any questions they have and sign them up!
4. Look through your timeline. Who inspires you or others? Who is always positive, upbeat, working on their fitness? Ask them!
5. Get into a coach basics group (message your coach for info about the next one)! This will help you learn the ins and outs of the business and help build your confidence!

We are ALL capable of doing this!

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