Friday, February 13, 2015



Want to get ripped and lean in 60 days? Shaun T is helping you get there with this INSANITY MAX 30 workout! I push myself for as long as I can go, then I max out, rest and pick up where I left off, each week going further and further, until hopefully I can go the full 30 without a rest or without modifying. The pushups are the hardest for me. My legs will tire, but I can still keep going. Once my tri's or breathing gives out - I MAX OUT!

I love this program and the challenge group that we are running, because I am required to CHECK IN and it holds me accountable. NO EXCUSES . I am running this challenge group and I have to SHOW UP and do the work, just like the challengers! If you think this is something you would like to be a part of - just send me an email at

I would love to help you reach ALL your fitness goals and you can check in on me and see what I am up to, when you join a group starting SOON!!! Follow me on FB at

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