Thursday, February 5, 2015

New Chapters/ New Challenges

I wonder if the competition bug ever really leaves you, once you have been on stage and have had the  adrenaline rush? As for now, I would like to think that, that chapter of my life is done, however, one can never be certain.

As I look to challenge myself in different areas (all fitness related, come on, let's remember who is writing this) I know that I am entering NEW areas that I may not be prepared for - let me just say, I welcomed the challenge and I accepted it! Spartan race, we have a date this Saturday in Phoenix, me against you (luckily, I have some great friends there for me) I am looking forward to the new challenge and will come home with a list of what I can do to improve, for the next one. I know me, I will want a rematch, to see if I can go faster, push harder, what ever it is - I will be training for the next one, before the first one starts.


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