If you are wondering How To Sign Up As A Beachbody Coach, you have come to the right place.  The truth is, the actual sign up is easy.  Just click on the word COACH below, follow the steps, and in 10 to 15 minutes, you can be signed up, and start building your Team Beachbody business.
You will have different options to sign up, depending on how serious you are about getting started.  You can simply do a starter pack, which costs $40, or you can buy a Challenge Pack, which is the way that most coaches get started.  You will see the options during the sign up.

There are a few things that you may want to know before you sign up.
  1. When you sign up as a coach, you are literally starting your own business.  You get to decide how much time you want to put into it.
  2. The fastest way to start making money is with personal sales, but the way to create a large, long lasting business, you want to build a team of coaches.
  3. When you sign up, it should say that your sponsoring coach is Steve Johnston or Joni Johnston!  I am going to do everything that I can to help you build the business that you want to build.  If you just want to know How to sign up as a Beachbody Coach
    that is all I will show you.  If you just want to be a coach for the discount, then I will simply show you how to get the discounts.  If you want to build a team of 10, 100, or 1000 coaches, I will do everything that I can to help you do that.  IMPORTANT – If it shows a name other than mine when you are signing up, STOP! 
  4. Shoot me an email at, and I will get you signed up.

To remain an active coach you need to have a Personal Volume (PV) of 50 points per month. Purchasing a month's supply of Shakeology (at a 25% discount) is 90PV for example and you're done. I agree with Team Beachbody's methodology that you need to use their product in order to be able to explain the benefits of the research they've done. Plus, their supplements actually taste a whole lot better than the other stuff I was using. Recovery drink... think chocolate heaven! 
  • Benefits: 
    • You receive a 25% commission on anything somebody buys from Beachbody using one of your links. Somebody purchases a copy of P90X, you get a check for $29.96. 
    • You can, if you choose to, create a team of coaches as well.  You can create a business based off of a team of people who are passionate about the same things that you are.  I tend to attract women who are passionate about health and fitness,specifically clean eating stay at home momma's. But I also have some individuals who want to grow a business and create a full time income!  The saying you attract who you are is completely true!
    • You receive a 25% discount on all Beachbody products including merchandise. If you're using supplements today like I am, just the discount savings alone on let's say P90x Protein Bars and P90X recovery drink covers the $15 monthly website fee. 
    • You get paid on a weekly basis, every Thursday morning!
    • No inventory to carry, Beachbody takes care of everything. 
    • Access to an entire team of experts on health and fitness. 
    • Access to marketing materials and guidance on how to build your business. 
    • I have found a new passion for health and fitness and have never felt better. I'm not trying to sell you that miracle pill, extreme diet, or a whole lot of vitamins you probably don't need, this is for real.  Nothing in this program is easy, you have to work for it! 
    • I have increased confidence in all aspects of my life. I finished 90 days+ of one of the most physically challenging activities I've ever encountered.  I lost a weight, built some muscle along the way and I feel fantastic.  
    • I can give non-expert nutritional advice based upon my experience. I don't have a degree in nutrition, but I know what worked for me and am helping others figure out what works for them. 
    • I can help YOU get in the best shape of your life!


Being a Beachbody Coach ISN’T a Get Rich Quick Scheme. It is hard work and you get out the effort you put in. So if you aren’t willing to put in the time and effort you aren’t going to succeed. All my coaches can tell you I live by the MOTTO “Be Here in A YEAR”, that means give this business 100% for a year and you will be AMAZED! Are you ready to change your life and the lives of countless others? What are you waiting for?

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