
Shakeology has been a life saving fitness and wellness tool for me in this journey to lose my little extra weight.  When I first started doing fitness competitions,  I didn't feel like I was the type of person that needed to drink a shake every day.  I really thought I could manage my eating habits and exercise and still reach my goals.  After 60 days of working out and eating pretty healthy I was still at a weight I was not happy with.  I had reached a plateau and nothing was working.  I decided to give Shakeology a try.  After researching and reading all the information on the Shakeology site I chose the chocolate.  I needed that quick fix of chocolate everyday to curb my cravings.  I also decided to become a beachbody coach at the same time to get the 25% discount on the products.  I was so early in my transformation but, I had already come so far and I knew that I could help other people do the same thing.  I received my shakeology order and my first shake I blended ice, 8 oz water, craisins, and 1 tbsp almond butter.  I got better at mixing the shakes as the days went on and now they taste amazing.  In my shipment was a calendar of 30 ways to mix Shakeology.  I love trying new recipes and I wake up every morning looking forward to another shake.  
Shakeology helped me lose the last 10 lbs and now maintain my weight.  I drink my shake for either breakfast or lunch.  You can make it however you would like.  Currently, I am on 21 Day Fix  plan so I am sometimes doing 2 a days!  Here is a little background on Shakeology to help you make a better informed decision.

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