Friday, February 27, 2015


Thinking back to when I was younger and going through what I thought was life ending - my first heartbreak. 

I remember praying to GOD to help us get back together and to make things right. WHY wasn't God listening?? Isn't he suppose to be there when we need him most?

Looking back on that time now, I clearly see that he WAS there and that he was saving me from a relationship that was all wrong for me. I was meant to find my husband, fall madly in love, create two beautiful children.  I was meant to live life happy, carefree and FREE to be me! I think of the song that Garth Brooks sings so beautifully, UNASWERED PRAYERS and I get a little emotional - it is so true . Thank you for one of my greatest gifts - my husband. 

If you are going through tough times, know that GOD has a greater purpose in store for you and he knows what he is doing! TRUST in him . xoxo 

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