Thursday, January 22, 2015


 I like that he warns me, that I am about to get my ass kicked. Do you think that stops me? It should ... but yet, NO, it doesn't.

One thing about Shaun T is that he pushes you to your max and when you have had enough, you tap out, and then start back up again. Pushing yourself each time to go further and further. I can honestly say I am getting stronger and pushing myself harder than I have ever. WHY? Because I am part of this amazing accountability group and I have made the commitment to show up everyday and do what I agreed to do. There are days that I do not feel like doing it, and then I remember my reasons for showing up!

I want to wear that new bikini. I want to wear all my cute little capris. I want to show off my abs. I want to get rid of my little muffin top. I like my body a certain way and an extra 5 lbs on my frame is not attractive. TAKING responsibility and TAKING control.

Want to join a challenge group? Contact me here and let me send you the information needed.   or click here to be directed to my website.

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