Monday, February 9, 2015


OK, so I do not speak the language and did not understand all the AROOing going on around me when I started the race. I saw individuals in all shapes and sizes, as I stared down the people surrounding me in the starting gates. I quickly went into competition mode and just wanted to START and get this done! My goal was to finish. That was all. 

My friend and I started out and the first obstacle was done with ease. We reach the first mile marker and we were 15 minutes into the race. Quickly I calculated my pace - roughly 5 miles at 15 minutes ... about 1 hour 15 minutes. 

ENTER the rope climb - and my first 30 burpees. I got a bit up the rope and realized that I was not going to make it, slammed down into the freezing muddy water and that is where my time frame began to hit me. This may take longer than I thought. Fast forward through 4 more failed obstacles (5 out of 26, I could not complete.) and a final roll through what seemed to be a mile of mud - I crossed. I finished! I am a SPARTAN and my body aches to prove it. Crossed off my bucket list. Happy to have completed. Not sure what my next challenge will be. Just happy to be given another day to push myself. Have a great day and AROO??? xoxo Joni

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