Saturday, August 8, 2015


As a personal trainer and coach, I honestly want the best for my clients, challengers and friends. What I can not accept is when you give your all to them and they do little or nothing and then claim it is your fault, or the product didn't work, or the nutrition plan isn't working for them.  I call Bullshit.
Seriously, so the program works on everyone, but YOU? You are the exception? OR perhaps, just maybe, you didn't follow the plan. You didn't listen to your coach. You didn't eat what you should have.

PEOPLE, you have got to be responsible for your actions, or lack of. You can not start a program and stop it after a week, because it gets tough. What are the reasons you started? You wanted a change. right? So guess what? YOU HAVE TO CHANGE. You can not do what you have always done and expect change. Stop giving excuses. Stop blaming your trainer. Stop giving in to temptation and hold yourself accountable.

YOU have control of you. I see so many times, people finish a program with me and they love the results, so they stop. REALLY? You can't stop, you have to at least maintain. You have to keep going or guess what? YEP, you will gain it back, because you are back to your old habits.

NEWS FLASH - make a lifestyle change and stop doing the yo-yo diets. Take control and commit to a healthier lifestyle. You have but one body - NOURISH IT.

Tough Love, only because I love you. xoxo Joni

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