Monday, March 9, 2015

A Life You Love

Define a life you love. Really love. I wake up everyday with a zest, to see what I can accomplish. Who I can motivate. What I can get my hands into today.

I hear too often people saying that they hate their job. SO did I. I was working in the casino industry and I was miserable. Wake up everyday rushed to accomplish what I could, before heading into a toxic environment. The staff, the players, the food. All of it - TOXIC. 

I vowed to change my life and I worked hard to make that happen. I started Fitness 4 Life (a bootcamp based workout program) in 2009. In March of 2010, I could officially quit my casino business, because I had built a business that was growing and thriving.  Fast forward to 2014, I wanted more, I wanted to help more people.  I wanted to explore other things and thankfully I took the leap and designed a life I LOVE. I am my own boss. CEO of Coach Fit Joni, Founder of Limitless and who knows what I will add on. I do know one thing - I am happy. truly happy. 

If you think you are stuck at a dead end job, you probably are. BUT if you think you can take a leap and try something NEW, you probably can. 

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