
Hi Joni.  I just wanted to let you know that since -- and because of -- doing the Crave book with you and group TWICE, I not only conquered the sleeping pill addiction and denied myself poor food choices then and now, I HAVE LOST 15 pounds since AUGUST!  Still doing the beach body work-outs and still making good choices (not all, but lots). THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A GREAT MOTIVATOR AND INSPIRATION!!  Love you, Joni! - Kristin

Hi Joni. I want express my thanks to you. You either said, or posted a meme that stated, " If you wait for the perfect time or feeling to work out, you'll never workout." When I read that it stuck with me. I've joined a gym, and have been working out for about three weeks. I've lost about twenty pounds so far. I us this thinking often, because the timing or feeling is rarely "right". Once I get in and get started, everything is fine, and I'm greatly motivated. 25 pounds to go! Thanks again. Many of your posts and videos are inspiring, but that one has been a defining tool for me. God bless! - Trever

I want you to know how much T25 has helped me get over a slump...
I have always enjoyed road biking and average on a yearly basis around 4 thousand miles.  I commute to work, I am a weekend century warrior, and I ride for the mental health.  This year I was stuck.. I was averaging 18 mph a ride, was a little slower going up hills than I wanted to be, and felt just a little weak and a bit lethargic.
Reaching out to you for advice, and your guiding me to a core body strength program was just what I needed.  I know going back and forth with you on which program would suit me, and all of my questions were probably exhausting for you, but you stuck with me.  I need you to know that your suggestion of T25 has helped me gain on average 2 mph per ride on my road bike, and now I am seeing a difference on my 9 zero 7 also (fat bike...it's what we ride up here in the cold tundra!) I am able to bunny hop over logs, and I honestly feel it is due to the strength I have gained in my core.
Your encouragement of eating with better choices and the core program of T25 has enhanced my daily life!  - Eve
Thanks for your guidance and encouragement, I feel amazing!

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