Saturday, February 14, 2015


There are times at night, when my little guy has a bad dream or just wants to cuddle, and I hold him close to me, as he drifts back off to sleep. In those moments, when I could just stare at him forever, those are the times that I never want to let go of. I hope that both my boys always need me and know that I am here for them to hold close, to comfort, to lend a listening ear.

I know that they are growing fast, and i am not looking forward to broken hearts from girls, moving away ... all that they go through as they turn into men. I will be strong for them, but I will shed silent tears when I lay down and they are no longer near.

Until then, I will cherish EVERYDAY with my beautiful boys and raise them to respect women and love that special one with all their heart, just as their father has done. <3 I am blessed.

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