Friday, January 30, 2015

Half of Something?

I LOVE this! I have ran so many half marathons, I lose track. With every one of them, comes that one individual, that you bump into that asks that question ...... Are you running the FULL or just the HALF? 


I choose to run the HALF, because I can train for it, without disrupting my family's life and without cutting back on my other training. I want all of you "JUST HALF" marathon runners out there, to know how FABULOUS you are. Never judge your worth on someone else's opinion. Whether you run a 5K, 10K, half marathon or a full, I think you are fabulous! Keep running and next time someone asks that question - I am going to simply answer with " I crushed the whole thing!"  xoxo Right on runners, right on!  Joni

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