Friday, December 9, 2016

Christmas past

Maybe I have been watching too many Hallmark Christmas specials, maybe I just get "it" now. The meaning of Christmas. The joy it brings. The love in the air. The smiles on the faces. The feeling of giving.

When I was youner, I remember asking for a Ruby ring ... I never received the ruby ring, I got a sapphire ring, because that was my birthstone. I couldn't find the beauty in it, because it was not what I wanted. All I could do is dwell on the fact that I asked for a ruby and I got a sapphire. Never once thinking of the thought that was put into that ring. Never once thinking about anyone else, but me.

This Christmas, I am so thankful. Thankful that I am not that spoiled little brat. That unappreciative child. The one that couldn't see the bigger picture. Christmas is about SO much more than a list of material things and WANTS.

A friend asked me what I wanted .... I stopped and thought for a minute. There is nothing I want or need. I have it all. Everything I need - I have. Everything. Everything that matters.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas. Feeling blessed this Christmas season.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Family Fall Break

DisneyWorld - Florida

Universal Islands of Adventure

Universal Studios

The plan was put in motion over a year ago. We were heading back to Disney and we were going to see and do everything that we wanted to do. The last time we were there, was in 2006. 10 years ago!!! How could that be??? The happiest place in the World and we haven't been in 10 years? We should be locked up!!! Seriously!

After a day at Disney and Hurricane Matthew putting a damper on our plans, we decided to hit up Universal. AND that is were we were for the next 6 days. Steve and I loved everything Disney, but the boys wanted more adventure, bigger and more rides. After all, it was about the boys having fun. Let them do and go where they wanted. I do not think we waiting in line for longer than 30 minutes on any given ride. It was awesome!!!

Steve's parents came down to Florida to join us, as part of their trip and it was great fun to share these moments with the grandparents. Many laughs, memories and good times. Love that we are a close family and we talk about everything, even though we may not always agree. :)

So, we have decided that we will not wait that long again and next year we will visit Disney Land in California, as Steve has never been there. It too, is pretty spectacular. I mean, we have a Harry Potter Wand, we must interact.

Xoxo Joni

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Don't be THAT kid

We have been a baseball family since the boys could attempt to swing a bat. We have watched them in T ball, minors, majors and now school and club ball. It is and hopefully always will be, a part of who we are. #baseballfansforlife

I want to share this story with you, because as a mom of a ball player, I think it is a good reminder to our kids and to us. 

It was spring ball. The ball was hit to centerfield and the boy running up to make the catch, overshot. The ball dropped behind him and the tantrum started. Complete melt down. We sat there and watched as his mother stood up and yelled "Don't be THAT kid!" 
She looked over to us and said "right? " 
We agreed. 
And I chuckled. I think you need to let your children know that mistakes happen. PRO baseball players make mistakes and how they deal with them, is what makes them champions. I love that this mother stood up and shouted that out. It was in fact, what all of us watching, were thinking. This boy was a great ball player, he just made an error and handled it badly.

Now for the parents .... Don't be THAT parent!
 You know the one. The one that is complaining to the coaches about their kid not playing or not playing the spot you think he should. If you want your kid to play more, practice with him, so that he gets so good at the game, that the coach can not overlook him. 
I know we all think our kids are the best, but we need to be realistic and honest. 
The coaches are doing this for the LOVE of the game and are not getting paid, the last thing they need is parents making it more difficult for them. 
Let the boys play ball.
That really is all they want to do.
Don't make it harder than it has to be.
Don't be THAT parent. 
Of course - We have the best kids and parents on our team! ⚾️❤️⚾️😀

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Taking in the beauty

I have always enjoyed hiking. 
 In my younger years, I would hike to a certain spot to sit and enjoy some wine and cheese, while taking in the scenery and enjoying the company. I still enjoy doing that, but now it is more for the workout and less about the wine. I like to challenge myself and there are plenty of trails around here to do just that. 
This is from Camelback Mountain in Scottsdale, Arizona - such a beautiful view and certain worth the steep climb to the summit. A somewhat cooler than normal wind at the top and views for miles. It has two different paths to get to the summit - we seem to always take the more challenging side of the mountain, only because, that is what we are used to. Either side has it's own challenges. A must see, when in Scottsdale, even at the base. 

Another beautiful hike is Sabino Canyon - more flat land and more mileage, but roughly takes the same amount of time. The pictures below are from our hike to the Seven Falls Waterfalls in Sabino Canyon - 8.7 miles round trip and a very doable hike. I never would have imagined the beauty hidden in the mountain side. I am definitely going to hike this one again - the waterfall was breathtaking. There was a guy that went swimming in the pool of water at the base. I did not get in, but the water felt very refreshing. Arizona has so many beautiful trails to hike. What a beautiful world - thanks to our creator. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Spartan SUPER Utah

I first want to start by saying ... There is no other family I would want to do this race with. 

With that being said, I do not think I will EVER do the UTAH SUPER SPARTAN again. I have this bad habit of thinking I can do anything and without hesitation, saying Yes, to whatever challenge is thrown my way. I did not prepare for this race and was just winging it. 

The Positives  
  • I only had to do 60 Burpees. For those of you who do not know what that means, I failed only 2 of 24 obstacles. I was rather proud of that! AND I thank Chris Lamb for assisting us girls (which was allowed on the tall walls) 
  • I had great company to run, walk, jump, moan and swear (yes, a couple of times) with and made the race so much more fun!
  • I completed the Arizona Sprint (4.5 miles, 21 obstacles) in 2015. I wanted to do a SUPER (8.7 miles and 24 obstacles) and did! 
The Negatives
  • I did not train for this and NEVER realized that elevation was THAT much of a factor. Lesson learned. 
  • Dirt does not taste good at mile 1, or at mile 5, or at mile 8.7 . Lack of water makes for a very thirsty girl and I replenished as soon as I made it back to the car. 
  • Jumping on the last obstacle (the rope climb) and realizing when you look down at the ground, that you are literally 2 inches off the ground and can go no higher. #truth 
Through it all - I am happy I have completed 2 Spartan races and anyone who knows me, knows I will complete a Beast to get the Trifecta. Just needs to be done. AND yes, I will try to pick flat land. #AROO

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


The greatest baseball players you will ever know - your children. Encourage them, help them be as good as they can be, be with them, be the example, but most of all at the end of the day, win or lose, tell them you love them, for they are the most precious gift God will ever give you. - San Jose Athletic Association.

Alex is a great ball player and we encourage him to go after his dreams. He is without question, harder on himself, than anyone could ever be. He pitched 6 innings last night, and got 11 strikeouts - His at bats were 0-2, then got up in the 5th inning and hit a double to score our first run. We ended up winning the ball game 4-0.

I share this with you, because Alex had a moment in the game after his first at bat, where he walked away and slammed the bat down on the ground and got tears eyed. After the game, Steve and I talked to him about sportsmanship and before we could finish, Alex interrupted and said - I am not going to get disappointed about batting, I had an off night and I should not have reacted that way. It will happen and I know I will be hitting great next game. 


Learning through every play in baseball and life. Failure is growth. Accept and move on. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day.

Steve's most rewarding job. Being a father. 

When asked what he wants for his birthday or Christmas from the boys, it is always the same answer - a handmade card, one the boys write and put thought in to give to him. 

Being a father is dedication, sacrifice, love, a helping hand, a tough talk about the teen years, a strong hug when needed, a workout partner, a baseball coach, a supporter of whatever the boys want to do and so much more. 

This day we celebrate all the fathers that give so unselfishly of themselves and ENJOY doing so. YOU are so appreciated and so loved. 

HUG your father and tell him how much you love him - coming from a girl who lost her father to cancer in 2002, I would give anything. Xoxo Joni

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Somedays, I am my own worst enemy. I can talk myself out of anything. AND justify doing so. 

NO MORE. I am taking back my "ME TIME" and making me a priority. Summer break started and the boys were off and running and I am partially to blame, with letting them go everywhere. I was the taxi service. I want them to have fun and enjoy their summer, but I want to enjoy my time too.
I have set business working hours for myself and the boys are not allowed to distract me during those hours, after that time, I may still work, but I am available for them. 
I will see how this goes. More than likely, they will not care as long as they are with their friends. They may not even notice I have disappeared for a good 3 hours. Until it is lunch. 

Here is to a great summer!!! Crush business goals. Loving on the family and attending every swim meet and  All Star baseball game. #makingtime #mytime #familytime.

Hope you all have a magnificent summer vacation and make time for yourself. Xoxo Joni

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Just Not Ready

If you read my last blog - you understand how fast things can change.

This is the scene at my house daily - the boys and their friends. Sometimes a house full. Sometimes just one. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind at all - just wasn't ready to be replaced so quickly.

I am the mother of 2 boys. 2 very active boys. I have accepted my role and have scaled WAY BACK on the things I like to do, so I can help them in accomplishing their goals. This too, I do not mind. 

It just hit home the other day when my youngest started receiving text messages from a girl. He turns 12 in 2 days and I'm just not ready for the GIRL THING. All of a sudden, he cares about what he looks like, he wants to shower (all who know me, know this is a big deal for him) he is meeting friends at the park ... I'm just not ready!!!

Maybe it is because he is my youngest, but I am really having a hard time with this. Living in a house full of boys, there is not much "feminine" anything! I feel like the outsider and I am just going through this crazy thing called life, as a chauffeur . When did I become #5 in the family, even after the dogs??? 

I hope this is just a stage and I hope that this stage ends quickly. #boymom #outnumbered

Xoxo Joni

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


To all the moms that have boys - What we never get to do...

We never get to play dress up. We never get to paint fingernails. We never get to play with their hair. We never get to go shopping for pretty pink things. 

To all the moms that have boys - what we get to do...

We get to be the one they will always turn to for comfort. We get to be the one they talk to about girls. We get to shop with them for all things boys!!! We get to not have to deal with drama. We get to be a tomboy and play sports with them. 

To all the moms that have boys - know how very much you are loved and appreciated. They may not always show it, but they know all you do for them. Keep up the great work. I may be outnumbered in this house, but I am QUEEN. xoxo 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

For The Love Of The Game

Is there anything more American, than Baseball? Our kids love playing. We love watching and cheering. AND almost all love the concessions at the stand. It brings a community together and allows our children some good, clean physical fun. 

I have to say, I truly enjoy watching the game and enjoying the love of the sport with all that are there. It is unfortunate, when some coaches take that to another level and use inappropriate language around the children. I understand, that it is all volunteers that make up the Little League, but what does it say about us, when the only way we have to express ourselves is through swearing. Should we not be the example for the kids? Should we not be teaching them how to deal with defeat and on the flip side, to be humble winners. The boys just want to play ball. They do not want to see coaches arguing on the field or swearing at each other, because you think we are stealing your signs. (Really??? Curve ball in Spanish is pretty easy to figure out, even for this white chick) just sayin' 

Next time you go out to the ball field - check your mouth at the fence. Remember the reason you are there. To support the kids and to let THEM play ball. 
#ballmom #lovethegame #betheexample 

Friday, April 15, 2016

The spark is back!!!

As many of you know - Spencer was out of swim for a good two months because of a wound on his finger, that would not self heal - had to go in for numerous treatments and could not get it wet. During this time, I was worried that his love for swimming was declining with every day missed. I wanted to get tickets to the Olympic Trials in Nebraska - but there was a time conflict and we would not be able to swing that. Lucky for me, the Pro Swim Series was coming to Mesa! That meant, so was Ryan Lochte, Michael Phelps, Missy Franklin, Nathan Adrian, Katie Ledecky etc...  TICKETS PLEASE!!!
I spent the day watching the magic not only in the pool, but in my sons eye. Slowly, watching the excitement and the love of the sport come back - YES!!! Thank you especially to Ryan Lochte, who was such a gentleman and amazing person, signing autographs, taking pictures with all the young swimmers that look up to him, and pausing long enough for me to really appreciate him.. I suddenly felt like a cougar on the prowl - I quickly sent Steve a message . Lol
Whatever it takes for you to get your SPARK back - just do it. Never give up on a dream, no matter the setback. GO after your dreams!!! YOU can do anything! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016



I am a no maintenance type of girlfriend - meaning, we could go without speaking to each other for a period of time and totally pick up right where we left off. I love to laugh, to reminisce, to create more memories to share down the road. 

I love being around those type of people that just want to have fun, not talk about others negatively and to just live in the moment (phones down) 

Life is so short and you have to enjoy the moment you are in and the day you are given. Appreciate those around you that celebrate life and want to spend time with you. Those are the ones you call your TRIBE. They know everything about you and love you still ... Joni

Another Life Ago???

This seems like another life ago. This picture was in 2010 and I placed 4th in California - one of the biggest shows I had ever done. I was pleased with my results. I wasn't done though. I wanted more. I wanted to place higher than 4th place. I changed everything about me for the next 2 shows and still ended up with a 4th place finish.

I have since learned that, I do not need to be judged by anyone to know my worth. I do not need to change everything about me to get a 1st or 2nd place trophy. I just need to do what I want and live a healthy lifestyle. I will never say, never, because I may want to compete again - but my last show was in 2014 with my husband (placing 4th and my husband placing 2nd) He did look good ... Wink, wink.  AND I may want to do it down the road. All I know is that I will be doing it to please me and not to "fit" what the judges think I need to. 

Competing is tough. Mentally, physically and emotionally. The aftermath of a competition is equally as tough. You now are drinking tons of water after completely dehydrating yourself. You want to eat everything in sight and you think you have to change everything about you. Such a head game. 

I have learned to love myself, no matter what shape I am, no matter what the scale says and no matter what people think. I live a healthy lifestyle, because I want to live that life, not because I am in competition with anyone, but me. #loveyourself #youareenough. 

Xoxo Joni

Thursday, March 17, 2016

It has to start with YOU!

One little word.

You have to believe in yourself, that you have the strength to overcome anything that stands in your way of achieving your goals.

You have to believe that you have the dedication to wake up and push play on your workouts and never skip one.

You have to believe that if you want change, you have to make a change in your nutrition, your fitness and your lifestyle.

You have to believe that every day makes a difference and small changes can add up to big results.

You have to believe in yourself.

Believe.  Xoxo Joni

Friday, March 11, 2016

A Mother's Love

It always seems so long between visits. She comes out twice a year and I try to make it back with the family once a year (as the boys are getting older and more active in sports/girls/friends etc) it is becoming more difficult.

I am reminded each time that she visits how lucky I am to have her. You are never promised tomorrow and to cherish today and celebrate life. We go on a walk each day for 3 miles and we talk. I think we talk more now then when I was growing up, partly my fault for being a shitty teenager, but my love was always there and she knew that. 

I see the smiles. I see the concern. I hear how she talks about our family and how happy she is to just be involved and in the moment. I like that she is willing to try new things and that the boys enjoy her - can laugh with her and even get her to partake in some of their pranks (silly boys).

If you are lucky enough to have your parents, or one of them still with you - call them today and tell them you love them. Hug them and celebrate them. Life is too short and everyone likes to hear how very special they are. 

Much Love .... Joni

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Come Through Stronger

Wherever you are in life, whatever struggle you are going through - know that you will come through stronger than ever before. 

Back in my 20's - I had 2 options, to stay on the downward spiral I was on or to take control of my situation and do something about it. I am forever grateful that I chose the later. Looking back at that time and how terrible I thought the breakup with my boyfriend at the time was, and how I was drinking my sorrows away, spending way too much money to impress people that I didn't even know - FOR WHAT? And at the time, I thought my life was over. How could I possibly live without him or manage without my "friends" ??? Then reality hit, or rock bottom AND I GREW the @#$%  up! 
Had to take control of my life and realize that I am in control. That there is a big, powerful God in my corner and he will help me make it through. And He did. You are never alone. Remember that. 

Listen, I get it, life is rough at times. But it is your choices in life that will dictate whether  or not things can get better. I am a survivor of my past and it does not define me. 

I am always here, if you need an ear. Much love, my friend. <3 Joni

Monday, March 7, 2016


Making goals for the month is always a scary thing. BUT not making them is even scarier. I love the freedom that I have, with my career choice. Working from home. Working hard. It doesn't just happen. Like your job, I'm sure you work hard too. I invested $140 in my job to get started - heck you can even do it for $40. Point being, I got trained, I got FREE gifts for achieving success, I got recognition on stage in front of 300,000 other coaches, I won a free cruise, I won a trip to the Dominican Republic, BUT most of all I helped change people's lives. One life at a time. That makes me feel good and I am proud of that. Hard work does pay off and it is so rewarding when you hear messages like this from some of your challengers .....

Hi Joni.  I just wanted to let you know that since -- and because of -- doing the Crave book with you and group TWICE, I not only conquered the sleeping pill addiction and denied myself poor food choices then and now, I HAVE LOST 15 pounds since AUGUST!  Still doing the beach body work-outs and still making good choices (not all, but lots). THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A GREAT MOTIVATOR AND INSPIRATION!!  Love you, Joni!

If you are interested in one of our challenges, drop me a message at and I will be happy to pass along information on our next Faith & Fitness group, Next multi challenge group or even the coaching opportunity. So many wonderful things - you just gotta try. Xoxo Joni

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hammer & Chisel Program review

I was reluctant about starting this program - I have a touch of A.D.D. and get bored very easily. It was a 60 day program and honestly, I have a hard time following a 30 day program; however, I accepted the challenge and joined my challengers on our journey.

I ate all the right foods, with an occasional treat, NEVER missed a workout and DID NOT get bored. This program has so many variations, that you are working different muscles and using a different program daily. I was surprised at myself, but also, just a bit proud that I could continue to do this for 60 days and not half-ass it. SUPER proud of all my challengers who pushed play and accomplished SO many of their goals! Hammer & Chisel is the!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2016


All you need for a weekend away to stay on track. No need to do the Fast food thing - you got this under control. 

Enjoy and if you want the Rasin Bran muffin recipe - Contact me at or at CoachFitJoni

Sunday, January 3, 2016

21 Day Fix - It works!!

I know by now, everyone has probably heard about the 21 Day Fix. Right?  I just want to tell you that yes, it is that great of a program. I work out 30 minutes a day to different workouts each day. I eat what I want, measured out to specifically help me in my lifestyle transformation ( losing, maintaining or toning) I get several healthy recipes to mix things up and I got to tell you, even a FREE shirt for completing. 

I have a group starting that will help hold you accountable and help you reach your fitness, healthy lifestyle goals, all you have to do is contact me. Find me on FacebookCoachFitJoni .

Here is a direct link to check out the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack, that gives you everything you need to succeed, and that comes with ME, as your personal coach. I will be with you every step of the way.  Xoxo Joni
In order to have change, you must change.