Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Somedays, I am my own worst enemy. I can talk myself out of anything. AND justify doing so. 

NO MORE. I am taking back my "ME TIME" and making me a priority. Summer break started and the boys were off and running and I am partially to blame, with letting them go everywhere. I was the taxi service. I want them to have fun and enjoy their summer, but I want to enjoy my time too.
I have set business working hours for myself and the boys are not allowed to distract me during those hours, after that time, I may still work, but I am available for them. 
I will see how this goes. More than likely, they will not care as long as they are with their friends. They may not even notice I have disappeared for a good 3 hours. Until it is lunch. 

Here is to a great summer!!! Crush business goals. Loving on the family and attending every swim meet and  All Star baseball game. #makingtime #mytime #familytime.

Hope you all have a magnificent summer vacation and make time for yourself. Xoxo Joni

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