Sunday, May 22, 2016

Just Not Ready

If you read my last blog - you understand how fast things can change.

This is the scene at my house daily - the boys and their friends. Sometimes a house full. Sometimes just one. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind at all - just wasn't ready to be replaced so quickly.

I am the mother of 2 boys. 2 very active boys. I have accepted my role and have scaled WAY BACK on the things I like to do, so I can help them in accomplishing their goals. This too, I do not mind. 

It just hit home the other day when my youngest started receiving text messages from a girl. He turns 12 in 2 days and I'm just not ready for the GIRL THING. All of a sudden, he cares about what he looks like, he wants to shower (all who know me, know this is a big deal for him) he is meeting friends at the park ... I'm just not ready!!!

Maybe it is because he is my youngest, but I am really having a hard time with this. Living in a house full of boys, there is not much "feminine" anything! I feel like the outsider and I am just going through this crazy thing called life, as a chauffeur . When did I become #5 in the family, even after the dogs??? 

I hope this is just a stage and I hope that this stage ends quickly. #boymom #outnumbered

Xoxo Joni

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