Friday, March 11, 2016

A Mother's Love

It always seems so long between visits. She comes out twice a year and I try to make it back with the family once a year (as the boys are getting older and more active in sports/girls/friends etc) it is becoming more difficult.

I am reminded each time that she visits how lucky I am to have her. You are never promised tomorrow and to cherish today and celebrate life. We go on a walk each day for 3 miles and we talk. I think we talk more now then when I was growing up, partly my fault for being a shitty teenager, but my love was always there and she knew that. 

I see the smiles. I see the concern. I hear how she talks about our family and how happy she is to just be involved and in the moment. I like that she is willing to try new things and that the boys enjoy her - can laugh with her and even get her to partake in some of their pranks (silly boys).

If you are lucky enough to have your parents, or one of them still with you - call them today and tell them you love them. Hug them and celebrate them. Life is too short and everyone likes to hear how very special they are. 

Much Love .... Joni

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