Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Another Life Ago???

This seems like another life ago. This picture was in 2010 and I placed 4th in California - one of the biggest shows I had ever done. I was pleased with my results. I wasn't done though. I wanted more. I wanted to place higher than 4th place. I changed everything about me for the next 2 shows and still ended up with a 4th place finish.

I have since learned that, I do not need to be judged by anyone to know my worth. I do not need to change everything about me to get a 1st or 2nd place trophy. I just need to do what I want and live a healthy lifestyle. I will never say, never, because I may want to compete again - but my last show was in 2014 with my husband (placing 4th and my husband placing 2nd) He did look good ... Wink, wink.  AND I may want to do it down the road. All I know is that I will be doing it to please me and not to "fit" what the judges think I need to. 

Competing is tough. Mentally, physically and emotionally. The aftermath of a competition is equally as tough. You now are drinking tons of water after completely dehydrating yourself. You want to eat everything in sight and you think you have to change everything about you. Such a head game. 

I have learned to love myself, no matter what shape I am, no matter what the scale says and no matter what people think. I live a healthy lifestyle, because I want to live that life, not because I am in competition with anyone, but me. #loveyourself #youareenough. 

Xoxo Joni

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