Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Come Through Stronger

Wherever you are in life, whatever struggle you are going through - know that you will come through stronger than ever before. 

Back in my 20's - I had 2 options, to stay on the downward spiral I was on or to take control of my situation and do something about it. I am forever grateful that I chose the later. Looking back at that time and how terrible I thought the breakup with my boyfriend at the time was, and how I was drinking my sorrows away, spending way too much money to impress people that I didn't even know - FOR WHAT? And at the time, I thought my life was over. How could I possibly live without him or manage without my "friends" ??? Then reality hit, or rock bottom AND I GREW the @#$%  up! 
Had to take control of my life and realize that I am in control. That there is a big, powerful God in my corner and he will help me make it through. And He did. You are never alone. Remember that. 

Listen, I get it, life is rough at times. But it is your choices in life that will dictate whether  or not things can get better. I am a survivor of my past and it does not define me. 

I am always here, if you need an ear. Much love, my friend. <3 Joni

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