Monday, March 7, 2016


Making goals for the month is always a scary thing. BUT not making them is even scarier. I love the freedom that I have, with my career choice. Working from home. Working hard. It doesn't just happen. Like your job, I'm sure you work hard too. I invested $140 in my job to get started - heck you can even do it for $40. Point being, I got trained, I got FREE gifts for achieving success, I got recognition on stage in front of 300,000 other coaches, I won a free cruise, I won a trip to the Dominican Republic, BUT most of all I helped change people's lives. One life at a time. That makes me feel good and I am proud of that. Hard work does pay off and it is so rewarding when you hear messages like this from some of your challengers .....

Hi Joni.  I just wanted to let you know that since -- and because of -- doing the Crave book with you and group TWICE, I not only conquered the sleeping pill addiction and denied myself poor food choices then and now, I HAVE LOST 15 pounds since AUGUST!  Still doing the beach body work-outs and still making good choices (not all, but lots). THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A GREAT MOTIVATOR AND INSPIRATION!!  Love you, Joni!

If you are interested in one of our challenges, drop me a message at and I will be happy to pass along information on our next Faith & Fitness group, Next multi challenge group or even the coaching opportunity. So many wonderful things - you just gotta try. Xoxo Joni

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