Tuesday, April 26, 2016

For The Love Of The Game

Is there anything more American, than Baseball? Our kids love playing. We love watching and cheering. AND almost all love the concessions at the stand. It brings a community together and allows our children some good, clean physical fun. 

I have to say, I truly enjoy watching the game and enjoying the love of the sport with all that are there. It is unfortunate, when some coaches take that to another level and use inappropriate language around the children. I understand, that it is all volunteers that make up the Little League, but what does it say about us, when the only way we have to express ourselves is through swearing. Should we not be the example for the kids? Should we not be teaching them how to deal with defeat and on the flip side, to be humble winners. The boys just want to play ball. They do not want to see coaches arguing on the field or swearing at each other, because you think we are stealing your signs. (Really??? Curve ball in Spanish is pretty easy to figure out, even for this white chick) just sayin' 

Next time you go out to the ball field - check your mouth at the fence. Remember the reason you are there. To support the kids and to let THEM play ball. 
#ballmom #lovethegame #betheexample 

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