Friday, February 27, 2015


Thinking back to when I was younger and going through what I thought was life ending - my first heartbreak. 

I remember praying to GOD to help us get back together and to make things right. WHY wasn't God listening?? Isn't he suppose to be there when we need him most?

Looking back on that time now, I clearly see that he WAS there and that he was saving me from a relationship that was all wrong for me. I was meant to find my husband, fall madly in love, create two beautiful children.  I was meant to live life happy, carefree and FREE to be me! I think of the song that Garth Brooks sings so beautifully, UNASWERED PRAYERS and I get a little emotional - it is so true . Thank you for one of my greatest gifts - my husband. 

If you are going through tough times, know that GOD has a greater purpose in store for you and he knows what he is doing! TRUST in him . xoxo 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Packing for a weekend away?

Here are some tips from me to you, on how to have a successful weekend away. Pack good for you treats and easy grab and go snacks. Makes the temptations less likely to happen. I still had a few meals out, but opted for the lite fare and healthy options menu. Eating out does not have to be bad. 
Choices in life right? Choices in life.

Starting 21 Day Fix EXTREME and sticking to the plan - YES, it is going to be hard, but it is going to be SO worth it!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Raisin Bran Muffins

RAISIN BRAN MUFFINS (healthier version) 

  • 1 1/4 cups whole wheat flour 
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)
  • 1/2 cup truvia (or you use 1/4 cup Splenda brown sugar blend)

Mix together and set aside

  • 3 Cups Kellogg's Raisin Bran
  • 1 1/4 Cups Milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 vegetable oil
Mix cereal and milk. Let stand 1-2 minutes to moisten. Add egg and vegetable oil. Beat well.

Add flour mixture to cereal mixture. Stir only until combined. Coat mini muffin pan and spoon in batter.

Bake at 400 for 12-13 minutes or until golden brown. Makes  30 mini muffins - ENJOY .
A Johnston favorite. xoxo

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

5 lbs. - BE GONE!

I started February, reigning myself in from a splurge to Hawaii, trying all the foods there that I wanted, having a few cocktails and just taking a break from my workouts ( still running and doing Insanity MAX 30 - I can't stop cold turkey, come on ) just no heavy weights.

I know better than anyone, that the body I like best is 5 lbs away. Being 112 is my comfortable weight and so this new found 117, is SO NOT COOL.  I also know that, I can workout like a mad man, but if I do not control my food habits, I LOSE the battle.

I have turned the switch and will give you a sample of my daily meal plan

my morning meal - 4 egg whites 2 TB Peanut butter
my morning snack - apple or HB egg
lunch - Shakeology ( I'm addicted to it and it helps my chocolate cravings)
afternoon snack - celery and P/b
Dinner - talapia and tonight Edamame ( YUM!)

If you have never tried Edamame, give it a try and let me know your thoughts.

ENOY my friend . xoxo Joni

Saying GOODBYE to those NASTY 5 lbs.  Autumn Calabrese and Shaun T are my trainers and I can not think of two better people for the task. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015


There are times at night, when my little guy has a bad dream or just wants to cuddle, and I hold him close to me, as he drifts back off to sleep. In those moments, when I could just stare at him forever, those are the times that I never want to let go of. I hope that both my boys always need me and know that I am here for them to hold close, to comfort, to lend a listening ear.

I know that they are growing fast, and i am not looking forward to broken hearts from girls, moving away ... all that they go through as they turn into men. I will be strong for them, but I will shed silent tears when I lay down and they are no longer near.

Until then, I will cherish EVERYDAY with my beautiful boys and raise them to respect women and love that special one with all their heart, just as their father has done. <3 I am blessed.

Friday, February 13, 2015



Want to get ripped and lean in 60 days? Shaun T is helping you get there with this INSANITY MAX 30 workout! I push myself for as long as I can go, then I max out, rest and pick up where I left off, each week going further and further, until hopefully I can go the full 30 without a rest or without modifying. The pushups are the hardest for me. My legs will tire, but I can still keep going. Once my tri's or breathing gives out - I MAX OUT!

I love this program and the challenge group that we are running, because I am required to CHECK IN and it holds me accountable. NO EXCUSES . I am running this challenge group and I have to SHOW UP and do the work, just like the challengers! If you think this is something you would like to be a part of - just send me an email at

I would love to help you reach ALL your fitness goals and you can check in on me and see what I am up to, when you join a group starting SOON!!! Follow me on FB at

Monday, February 9, 2015


OK, so I do not speak the language and did not understand all the AROOing going on around me when I started the race. I saw individuals in all shapes and sizes, as I stared down the people surrounding me in the starting gates. I quickly went into competition mode and just wanted to START and get this done! My goal was to finish. That was all. 

My friend and I started out and the first obstacle was done with ease. We reach the first mile marker and we were 15 minutes into the race. Quickly I calculated my pace - roughly 5 miles at 15 minutes ... about 1 hour 15 minutes. 

ENTER the rope climb - and my first 30 burpees. I got a bit up the rope and realized that I was not going to make it, slammed down into the freezing muddy water and that is where my time frame began to hit me. This may take longer than I thought. Fast forward through 4 more failed obstacles (5 out of 26, I could not complete.) and a final roll through what seemed to be a mile of mud - I crossed. I finished! I am a SPARTAN and my body aches to prove it. Crossed off my bucket list. Happy to have completed. Not sure what my next challenge will be. Just happy to be given another day to push myself. Have a great day and AROO??? xoxo Joni

Thursday, February 5, 2015

New Chapters/ New Challenges

I wonder if the competition bug ever really leaves you, once you have been on stage and have had the  adrenaline rush? As for now, I would like to think that, that chapter of my life is done, however, one can never be certain.

As I look to challenge myself in different areas (all fitness related, come on, let's remember who is writing this) I know that I am entering NEW areas that I may not be prepared for - let me just say, I welcomed the challenge and I accepted it! Spartan race, we have a date this Saturday in Phoenix, me against you (luckily, I have some great friends there for me) I am looking forward to the new challenge and will come home with a list of what I can do to improve, for the next one. I know me, I will want a rematch, to see if I can go faster, push harder, what ever it is - I will be training for the next one, before the first one starts.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015


I have come to realize and accept, that not every one is going to understand the journey you are on, or support it. It's ok! It is not their journey to understand. Know that whatever you are doing, you are doing for your reasons and your goals. You do not need for anyone to understand it, but you. Sometimes the hardest thing in life is chasing a dream, or going on a path less traveled, but it certainly is more rewarding. ENJOY your journey and if you are passionate about it, share it with others, they do not have to understand it, but I can bet, your real friends, will be there to support you.
Courage comes in all shapes and sizes. You do not always have to be vocal about ... sometimes you can just walk in a room, sit down and listen. xoxo Joni