Friday, January 30, 2015


I thought I was living my purpose on Earth, by providing bootcamps and offering personal training to the community.  It wasn't until, that one day, when I was scrolling on Facebook, that I realized different. I saw an ad for T25 and I had always wanted to try the program, so I reached out to the person running the ad. I did not know her. She talked to me about the program and asked if I was interested in becoming a coach.
At first, I just wanted to do the workouts, but later took the time to read all the information about coaching and wanted to very much share this with the world. The bonus was the delicious shakes, and much to my surprised I have been doing them daily for a year! AND I LOVE FOOD!
 When you believe in the product, you just want to shout it from the rooftop and share it with everyone. I have been a coach for 13 months and have reached SUCCESS CLUB all 13 months. I will never stop trying to help others, for I now know that this is my calling and where I needed to be, all this time.
Funny, how a stranger on Facebook, had a part in changing my life and my family's life.  I PAID for our trip to Hawaii, I put a BIG chunk down on my new Cadillac SRX and I am LOVING life everyday, because I am PRESENT in my family's life.  Thankful for my life EVERYDAY!

If you have just 2 minutes to listen to my recording, please click on link.

Half of Something?

I LOVE this! I have ran so many half marathons, I lose track. With every one of them, comes that one individual, that you bump into that asks that question ...... Are you running the FULL or just the HALF? 


I choose to run the HALF, because I can train for it, without disrupting my family's life and without cutting back on my other training. I want all of you "JUST HALF" marathon runners out there, to know how FABULOUS you are. Never judge your worth on someone else's opinion. Whether you run a 5K, 10K, half marathon or a full, I think you are fabulous! Keep running and next time someone asks that question - I am going to simply answer with " I crushed the whole thing!"  xoxo Right on runners, right on!  Joni

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

You want a six pack?

You want a six pack?
 You need to eat like you want it. I'm not saying starve yourself for the rest of your life. But similar to the focused discipline you put into doing an Ultimate Reset for 21 days, follow the proven nutrition and portion plan of the new 21 Day Fix Extreme program and you will see amazing results.
The point is; You can do it for 21 days, and you will LOVE how flat your stomach gets, and how lean you look and feel.
Unlike the Reset, there's tons of protein and you are actually eating a lot on this plan. Plus you are working out 30 minutes a day - hardcore. I've traveled with Autumn Calabrese and seen the difference between when she's on point for competition and when she's just maintaining. 21 Day Fix Extreme gets YOU on point.
I can't wait for this program to come out. I hope you're psyched up too!


I'm sure, most of the friends I hang with can totally relate to this. As I go to put on some clothes, to go to a function, I realize that all I really have are GYM clothes. 

As much as I hate to, I guess I HAVE to go shopping. I will get my cardio in and I will get a bigger wardrobe. Multi-tasking. It's what we do best! I'm a genius!!!

Simple solutions to everyday problems. Have an awesome day! xoxo Joni

Thursday, January 22, 2015


 I like that he warns me, that I am about to get my ass kicked. Do you think that stops me? It should ... but yet, NO, it doesn't.

One thing about Shaun T is that he pushes you to your max and when you have had enough, you tap out, and then start back up again. Pushing yourself each time to go further and further. I can honestly say I am getting stronger and pushing myself harder than I have ever. WHY? Because I am part of this amazing accountability group and I have made the commitment to show up everyday and do what I agreed to do. There are days that I do not feel like doing it, and then I remember my reasons for showing up!

I want to wear that new bikini. I want to wear all my cute little capris. I want to show off my abs. I want to get rid of my little muffin top. I like my body a certain way and an extra 5 lbs on my frame is not attractive. TAKING responsibility and TAKING control.

Want to join a challenge group? Contact me here and let me send you the information needed.   or click here to be directed to my website.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Vacation time = weight gain??

Vacation TIME ... Weight Gain??

We had the best time in Maui!!!!  Spending time at the beach is one of our favorite things to do. From laying out, snorkeling, wake boarding, playing catch or just swimming - We LOVE it!

Maintaining a beachbody is not always easy. I have to admit I gained 3 lbs while on vacation - I'm not disappointed. I tried what I wanted to try, and was as active as I chose to be. NO EXCUSES - My choice. I just wanted to remind you all, not to beat yourself up for having a slip or a VACATION treat. You get a fresh start daily. You never have to give up, but accept that you are human and you are allowed to have a few slips. Brush yourself off and start a NEW day. Your choices in life, on vacation or not, can always have a positive impact on your life - Choose to be fit!

xoxo Joni

Try this classic Italian pasta fagioli soup made with white beans and whole wheat pasta.
Total Time: 25 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 15 min.
Yield: 8 servings, about 1 cup each
1½ cups dry whole grain small pasta (like macaroni or orzo) (4 oz)
2 tsp. olive oil
2 medium carrots, sliced
2 medium celery stalks, sliced
3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
4 cups low-sodium organic chicken broth
1 (14.5-oz.) can green beans, no salt added
1 (15-oz) can cannellini (white) beans, drained, rinsed
1 (14.5 oz) can stewed tomatoes
2 Tbsp. tomato paste (no sugar added)
9 fresh rosemary sprigs, leaves removes and chopped, stems discarded
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
1. Cook pasta according to package directions. Set aside.
2. Heat oil in large saucepan over medium-high heat.
3. Add carrot and celery; cook, stirring frequently, for 4 to 5 minutes, or until soft.
4. Add garlic; cook, stirring frequently, for 1 to 2 minutes, or until soft.
5. Add broth. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium.
6. Add green beans, white beans, tomatoes, tomato paste, and rosemary. Season with salt and pepper if desired; gently boil, stirring occasionally, for 8 to 10 minutes.
7. Add pasta; cook for 3 minutes. Serve immediately.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Never stop making progress on you. One step at a time and you will get there. Stronger daily. If you give up, you will never get to your goal. Enjoy the journey and keep your eye on  the prize (whatever that may be)

For me, it has always been to gain upper body strength. I am working on my pull ups, assisted and other to help in that area. If any of you have any tips or suggestions that work for you, I would love to hear about them. Please feel free to share.

Keep working towards your goals. YOU are stronger than you think and WE will achieve anything we make our minds up to achieve. STAY STRONG. xoxo Joni

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


24 hours in a day. No more. No less.

I'm too busy translated-

“I Don’t Have Time” is a Big Fat Lie I know we’ve all said it before. We say “I don’t have time” when
life gets busy or when we don’t want to feel guilty about skipping something:
 If we don’t have enough time to work out, it’s easier for us to be okay with wheezing after a
flight of stairs.
 If we don’t have enough time to prepare healthy meals, it’s easier to accept our next unhealthy
meal through a drive-thru window.
 If we don’t have enough time to clean the house, it’s easier to accept living in filth.
 If we don’t have time to apply for new jobs and make new connections, it’s easier to accept
staying in a dead-end job.
It’s not that we don’t have time... It’s that it’s not a priority... Starting today, you are no longer
allowed to utter the words: “I don’t have time”...Instead, you will say, “It’s not a priority.”... Watch
how quickly your perspective shifts when looking at life’s challenges this way:
 “I’d love to work out, I just don’t have time” becomes “exercising isn’t a priority.”
 “I’d love to eat healthier, but I don’t have time to cook” becomes “eating healthy isn’t a
 “I don’t have time to travel” becomes “traveling isn’t a priority.“
Suddenly, the excuse of time becomes an incredibly weak argument. Crap. Stings a bit, huh? The real
truth... How you choose to spend your time defines your priorities.  I spent MANY years telling myself
that I wanted to get more lean muscle, but I never seem to find the time.  It wasn’t because I didn’t have
enough time, it’s because I never made it a priority!  After lying to myself for years, I finally started
taking action.
Your priorities, whether you say so or not, are where you choose to spend those hours.  Make the
most of them!  It’s amazing how much time you can find when you minimize the things that aren’t
important to make room for the things that are. Where are you spending your time?  Just like keeping
a food journal can be eye-opening, try tracking your time over the next few days in 30-minute blocks.
How much time do you spend on the computer, watching TV, etc.?  I bet you’ll be surprised. I
challenge you, starting today, to erase the phrase “I don’t have time” from your vocabulary.  Instead,
say “it’s not a priority.”  
soso Joni

Thursday, January 1, 2015


I guess you would say that I try a lot of things. I have to find what I am passionate about and then I go in 100%. I have found that with Beachbody and with my bracelet line - LIMITLESS.

I have been perfecting the line for about 2 years and I am finally ready to open up my store to the public. Stacking them is how I like to wear them, armed with limitless possibilities. I can do anything! Or at least I believe so :)

If you are interested in a rewarding career with Beachbody, I would love for you to take a look at my site . We have an amazing group of coaches and we motivate and inspire all.

If you are interested in purchasing any of my Limitless line, you can do that on my personal website listed below.

Thank you for taking a look . xoxo