Thursday, March 17, 2016

It has to start with YOU!

One little word.

You have to believe in yourself, that you have the strength to overcome anything that stands in your way of achieving your goals.

You have to believe that you have the dedication to wake up and push play on your workouts and never skip one.

You have to believe that if you want change, you have to make a change in your nutrition, your fitness and your lifestyle.

You have to believe that every day makes a difference and small changes can add up to big results.

You have to believe in yourself.

Believe.  Xoxo Joni

Friday, March 11, 2016

A Mother's Love

It always seems so long between visits. She comes out twice a year and I try to make it back with the family once a year (as the boys are getting older and more active in sports/girls/friends etc) it is becoming more difficult.

I am reminded each time that she visits how lucky I am to have her. You are never promised tomorrow and to cherish today and celebrate life. We go on a walk each day for 3 miles and we talk. I think we talk more now then when I was growing up, partly my fault for being a shitty teenager, but my love was always there and she knew that. 

I see the smiles. I see the concern. I hear how she talks about our family and how happy she is to just be involved and in the moment. I like that she is willing to try new things and that the boys enjoy her - can laugh with her and even get her to partake in some of their pranks (silly boys).

If you are lucky enough to have your parents, or one of them still with you - call them today and tell them you love them. Hug them and celebrate them. Life is too short and everyone likes to hear how very special they are. 

Much Love .... Joni

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Come Through Stronger

Wherever you are in life, whatever struggle you are going through - know that you will come through stronger than ever before. 

Back in my 20's - I had 2 options, to stay on the downward spiral I was on or to take control of my situation and do something about it. I am forever grateful that I chose the later. Looking back at that time and how terrible I thought the breakup with my boyfriend at the time was, and how I was drinking my sorrows away, spending way too much money to impress people that I didn't even know - FOR WHAT? And at the time, I thought my life was over. How could I possibly live without him or manage without my "friends" ??? Then reality hit, or rock bottom AND I GREW the @#$%  up! 
Had to take control of my life and realize that I am in control. That there is a big, powerful God in my corner and he will help me make it through. And He did. You are never alone. Remember that. 

Listen, I get it, life is rough at times. But it is your choices in life that will dictate whether  or not things can get better. I am a survivor of my past and it does not define me. 

I am always here, if you need an ear. Much love, my friend. <3 Joni

Monday, March 7, 2016


Making goals for the month is always a scary thing. BUT not making them is even scarier. I love the freedom that I have, with my career choice. Working from home. Working hard. It doesn't just happen. Like your job, I'm sure you work hard too. I invested $140 in my job to get started - heck you can even do it for $40. Point being, I got trained, I got FREE gifts for achieving success, I got recognition on stage in front of 300,000 other coaches, I won a free cruise, I won a trip to the Dominican Republic, BUT most of all I helped change people's lives. One life at a time. That makes me feel good and I am proud of that. Hard work does pay off and it is so rewarding when you hear messages like this from some of your challengers .....

Hi Joni.  I just wanted to let you know that since -- and because of -- doing the Crave book with you and group TWICE, I not only conquered the sleeping pill addiction and denied myself poor food choices then and now, I HAVE LOST 15 pounds since AUGUST!  Still doing the beach body work-outs and still making good choices (not all, but lots). THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A GREAT MOTIVATOR AND INSPIRATION!!  Love you, Joni!

If you are interested in one of our challenges, drop me a message at and I will be happy to pass along information on our next Faith & Fitness group, Next multi challenge group or even the coaching opportunity. So many wonderful things - you just gotta try. Xoxo Joni

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hammer & Chisel Program review

I was reluctant about starting this program - I have a touch of A.D.D. and get bored very easily. It was a 60 day program and honestly, I have a hard time following a 30 day program; however, I accepted the challenge and joined my challengers on our journey.

I ate all the right foods, with an occasional treat, NEVER missed a workout and DID NOT get bored. This program has so many variations, that you are working different muscles and using a different program daily. I was surprised at myself, but also, just a bit proud that I could continue to do this for 60 days and not half-ass it. SUPER proud of all my challengers who pushed play and accomplished SO many of their goals! Hammer & Chisel is the!!!