Tuesday, April 26, 2016

For The Love Of The Game

Is there anything more American, than Baseball? Our kids love playing. We love watching and cheering. AND almost all love the concessions at the stand. It brings a community together and allows our children some good, clean physical fun. 

I have to say, I truly enjoy watching the game and enjoying the love of the sport with all that are there. It is unfortunate, when some coaches take that to another level and use inappropriate language around the children. I understand, that it is all volunteers that make up the Little League, but what does it say about us, when the only way we have to express ourselves is through swearing. Should we not be the example for the kids? Should we not be teaching them how to deal with defeat and on the flip side, to be humble winners. The boys just want to play ball. They do not want to see coaches arguing on the field or swearing at each other, because you think we are stealing your signs. (Really??? Curve ball in Spanish is pretty easy to figure out, even for this white chick) just sayin' 

Next time you go out to the ball field - check your mouth at the fence. Remember the reason you are there. To support the kids and to let THEM play ball. 
#ballmom #lovethegame #betheexample 

Friday, April 15, 2016

The spark is back!!!

As many of you know - Spencer was out of swim for a good two months because of a wound on his finger, that would not self heal - had to go in for numerous treatments and could not get it wet. During this time, I was worried that his love for swimming was declining with every day missed. I wanted to get tickets to the Olympic Trials in Nebraska - but there was a time conflict and we would not be able to swing that. Lucky for me, the Pro Swim Series was coming to Mesa! That meant, so was Ryan Lochte, Michael Phelps, Missy Franklin, Nathan Adrian, Katie Ledecky etc...  TICKETS PLEASE!!!
I spent the day watching the magic not only in the pool, but in my sons eye. Slowly, watching the excitement and the love of the sport come back - YES!!! Thank you especially to Ryan Lochte, who was such a gentleman and amazing person, signing autographs, taking pictures with all the young swimmers that look up to him, and pausing long enough for me to really appreciate him.. I suddenly felt like a cougar on the prowl - I quickly sent Steve a message . Lol
Whatever it takes for you to get your SPARK back - just do it. Never give up on a dream, no matter the setback. GO after your dreams!!! YOU can do anything! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016



I am a no maintenance type of girlfriend - meaning, we could go without speaking to each other for a period of time and totally pick up right where we left off. I love to laugh, to reminisce, to create more memories to share down the road. 

I love being around those type of people that just want to have fun, not talk about others negatively and to just live in the moment (phones down) 

Life is so short and you have to enjoy the moment you are in and the day you are given. Appreciate those around you that celebrate life and want to spend time with you. Those are the ones you call your TRIBE. They know everything about you and love you still ... Joni

Another Life Ago???

This seems like another life ago. This picture was in 2010 and I placed 4th in California - one of the biggest shows I had ever done. I was pleased with my results. I wasn't done though. I wanted more. I wanted to place higher than 4th place. I changed everything about me for the next 2 shows and still ended up with a 4th place finish.

I have since learned that, I do not need to be judged by anyone to know my worth. I do not need to change everything about me to get a 1st or 2nd place trophy. I just need to do what I want and live a healthy lifestyle. I will never say, never, because I may want to compete again - but my last show was in 2014 with my husband (placing 4th and my husband placing 2nd) He did look good ... Wink, wink.  AND I may want to do it down the road. All I know is that I will be doing it to please me and not to "fit" what the judges think I need to. 

Competing is tough. Mentally, physically and emotionally. The aftermath of a competition is equally as tough. You now are drinking tons of water after completely dehydrating yourself. You want to eat everything in sight and you think you have to change everything about you. Such a head game. 

I have learned to love myself, no matter what shape I am, no matter what the scale says and no matter what people think. I live a healthy lifestyle, because I want to live that life, not because I am in competition with anyone, but me. #loveyourself #youareenough. 

Xoxo Joni