Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Last Song

I had another sleepless night and was channel surfing, when I came across the movie "The Last Song"  with Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus. I am not a huge fan of Miley Cyrus, but Liam, certainly grabbed my attention - He had his shirt off :)  For the next 2 hours, I watched this movie and cried. It touched me in such a way, I can not even explain. All the emotions I had about my father and his cancer all came back and I just let it all go.

I think back to the struggle my father went through battling cancer and how towards the end, his body was there, but he really wasn't. I thought about the girl who decided to die with dignity and I thought about all these decisions that have to be made and be made quickly. My heart goes out to anyone that is going through, has been through or knows someone going through this. CANCER SUCKS and when it takes a love one, it hurt deeps. The pain of losing my father, other family members, a close friend and a friends dog to CANCER never goes away ... BUT the one thing it can never take is the wonderful memories we created while they were here with us.

If you get a chance to watch the movie - drop me a line and let me know what you thought.

xoxo - I hope you live your life to the fullest EVERY DAY.  Joni

Thursday, April 16, 2015


We all want a tighter bottom, right? 

Well, I am sharing some of the exercises that will keep your tush high and tight. The older we get , the lower it wants to go. DO NOT let it. Keep it tight and right!

Hope this helps and SQUEEZE! 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

EVERYBODY isn't your friend

I am not saying this to be negative, I am just saying that sometimes in life we may expect certain things from people and they are just not willing to deliver. You can be cordial to everyone you meet, but you do not have to invite them into your circle of friends. 

Learn from cues that people send. Do they talk negatively about others? Are they always bring up the same situations? the same drama? something that happened 10 years ago? Let it go already. Free yourself and be free to allow only those that are worthy of having a front row seat to your life, to be there. 

Surround yourself with "like minded" people and your life will forever be blessed. xoxo Joni

Saturday, April 4, 2015


I wanted to write about a situation that happened recently on our baseball team. There was a child that was being "snarky" to some of the players on the team. My oldest, let the words roll off him like water on a slide. My youngest,  let it bother him and ended up being upset, when he got home, because of what this boy said to one of his teammates. 
I explained that, in life, you will always have those type of people, that think, they need to belittle others, in an attempt to make themselves look better. That he should not let the words/actions of one individual ruin his experience. You can not let people steal your happiness. Go confidently after your dreams and if you have negative people in your life, do not dwell on what they say, simply smile and get up to bat and SWING! 
Stand up straight, my child. 
Stand up straight!

You gain confidence through experiences. Always learn and grow. xoxo Joni