Sunday, August 30, 2015


Everything in life is a process in motion. Without movement, advancement and progression, there is no life. Once a thing has ceased to progress, it is dead. In other words, as long as we live, you and I are always going to be heading somewhere, and we should be enjoying ourselves on the way. God created us to be goal-oriented visionaries. Without a vision, we become bored and hopeless.

Life is most enjoyable and meaningful when you are present in every moment. Living in the past or future, as we often do, only serves to drain your spirit. The past, whether successful or full of failures, is done and over with. You can't change it. Worrying about the future is also a burden. No matter how much you plan, life is uncertain and the future is unknown. It makes no sense to spend your time worrying about something you truly can't control.
So instead of living in the land of "I could've, should've, would've" or "what if," try living in the land of "I am," because now is the only moment you can affect and enjoy. Take some time to notice every detail in the backdrop of your daily life -- the colors, the smells, the people. Savor every moment. Like snowflakes, no two are the same, and can never be recreated.

Enjoy this journey. Come Alive. God has great things in store for all who believe. xoxo Joni

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Choices in Life

Choices in life. I say it all the time, when the boys think they were dealt the wrong cards. 

The choices you make in life, are not without consequence. 

The boys had a sleep over and Steve and I knew that they would be up late, doing what boys do and coming up with creative ways to challenge each other. We never have a problem with them being boys, being a little loud and just being in their own little world. 

Saturday night was different. They asked me if they could hang outside around midnight and I said No. I did not explain my reasons why (I always worrying about snakes, spiders, not to mention falling into the pool and getting hurt) . I was still awake, and went downstairs to check on them. YEP, outside - playing Hide N Seek with their phones. I was automatically angry, because they asked and yet chose to disobey. 

I stood there for a moment and did what every rational parent would do. I locked the door!!!

My only downfall, was I only waited about 10 minutes before unlocking and letting them back in. I should have made them sit out there for a bit and wonder how they were going to get back in and what they would say to me. 

As they slithered in, they apologized and I simply said - Go to bed. Knowing, after their friend left, I would have words with my little gentlemen and deliver their consequence.

We assigned them to wash the car inside and out. If you have never washed a car in 110 degree weather, perhaps you can not grasp the severity of the punishment. They had to wear gloves, so they would not get burnt and they had to do several wipe downs, as the soap suds dry fast. As they finished, I hugged them and asked them if they understand our position and then told them we loved them.

Hopefully, the learned a lesson. Choices in life, right???   xoxo Joni

Saturday, August 15, 2015


 The soul of clean eating is consuming food in its most natural state, or as close to it as possible. It is not a diet; it’s a lifestyle approach to food and its preparation, leading to an improved life – one meal at a time.

 I nourish myself from the inside out. Can you say the same? 
Are you looking to improve your nutrition, loose some weight, get rid of some bloat and learn how to cook clean DELICIOUS recipes? 
Join me for my 21 Days of Nourishment Challenge. 
Get a real feel for what your body is SUPPOSE to feel and operate like. 
Interested? Send me a message at for information on our next challenge

Daily Affirmation: 
Water refreshes and replenishes me. Water helps me maintain my good health and vibrant skin. I love water. I love drinking water. I drink enough water each day.

Saturday, August 8, 2015


As a personal trainer and coach, I honestly want the best for my clients, challengers and friends. What I can not accept is when you give your all to them and they do little or nothing and then claim it is your fault, or the product didn't work, or the nutrition plan isn't working for them.  I call Bullshit.
Seriously, so the program works on everyone, but YOU? You are the exception? OR perhaps, just maybe, you didn't follow the plan. You didn't listen to your coach. You didn't eat what you should have.

PEOPLE, you have got to be responsible for your actions, or lack of. You can not start a program and stop it after a week, because it gets tough. What are the reasons you started? You wanted a change. right? So guess what? YOU HAVE TO CHANGE. You can not do what you have always done and expect change. Stop giving excuses. Stop blaming your trainer. Stop giving in to temptation and hold yourself accountable.

YOU have control of you. I see so many times, people finish a program with me and they love the results, so they stop. REALLY? You can't stop, you have to at least maintain. You have to keep going or guess what? YEP, you will gain it back, because you are back to your old habits.

NEWS FLASH - make a lifestyle change and stop doing the yo-yo diets. Take control and commit to a healthier lifestyle. You have but one body - NOURISH IT.

Tough Love, only because I love you. xoxo Joni