Thursday, December 18, 2014

My love for Fitness, Fun and Fashion

I have found through the journey of my life, that I have to have fun doing what I do, otherwise, WHY do it? right? As one chapter comes to a close, another one opens and I have to say it has been about 2 years in the making. I am excited to share with you all, my passions and my adventures.

I want to thank you all for being so supportive and encouraging through all my failures and successes. It is through those failures, that I keep improving and moving forward. Choosing to get back up each and every time. Without failure, we can not learn from our mistakes and improve.

AS women, we need to empower each other and be their to strengthen our friendships. Through my new adventure, I hope a piece speaks to you in that way and you wear it proud!!

xoxo Joni

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