Sunday, December 21, 2014

Feeling comfortable in my office

This is where I do most of my creative work, when I'm not running. I swear if I could write, while I was running, I could accomplish so much. Do you get some of your best ideas when it is just you and the pavement? Maybe I am the only one, but my mind sure does wander.

I still have some finishing touches to put up and I have to create a new VISION board. I have so many  things, that I want to accomplish in 2015, and writing them down and posting on a board will keep them fresh in my mind.  I remember the phrase "nothing worth having, ever comes easy" . You have to work for the things you want most in life and you have to take control and make them happen. The opportunities may be presented to you, but it is up to YOU to decide what to do with them.

 I look forward to 2015. I have so much to prove to myself. xoxo Joni

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