Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Exceeding Expectations

I had to share this with you .... I work part time at Desert Diamond Casino ( and when I say part-time, I really mean once a month :)). Well, every now and again they have mandatory meetings and of course, I think to myself .. 'Here is TWO hours of my life I will never get back!' SO not the case today .. I actually enjoyed my MANDATORY meeting, THANKS most in part to the speaker .... Brad Worthley!! AMAZING!!!! Honestly I looked at my watch one time and it was 3:10, REALLY??? I have already been here for an hour and 10 minutes? and still paying attention? HE IS GOOD!
He reminded me that as a business owner, while I cannot change other peoples way of thinking, I can change ME and the way I re-act to their behavior. I was also reminded to never let any ones attitude affect mine. And why should I?  I LOVE life!!!
I recently had a NEGATIVE post put on my Fitness 4 Life page, and while initially I was upset about it ( because you know girls, words do HURT), I now want to thank her. Without her post, I would not have become closer to alot of my clients. I would not have been able to realize just how important my FAMILY time is. I would not have THANKED all of my bootcampers for being AMAZING individuals!!! I would not have realized that going forward, I, as a business owner will be MORE giving! I would not have seen how supportive my clients are of me. I AM SO BLESSED to have an amazing job and such wonderful clients in my life!
As I walked out of this MANDATORY meeting (that I earlier thought was the certain death of me ) ... I realized that I, too can learn from this NEGATIVE experience and be a better wife, mother, personal trainer and friend. I was actually smiling leaving the building .... I SAT through a mandatory meeting and ENJOYED it!!!!
If you ever get the chance to listen to Brad Worthley ... I highly recommend it! He has reminded me of the little things in life that matter .... It isn't about who is right or wrong.
I want you to walk away from FITNESS 4 LIFE bootcamp and tell your friends ... This is one of the best bootcamps ever! and she lets you come the first time free!
I also will be giving everyone that participated in the 8 week challenge a FREE MONTH of bootcamp!!! Just my way of SAYING THANK YOU!!!
I want to take the time to thank Ernie Villegas and Karen Mullarkey (my trainers) for always being so supportive of me and my training... I have learned SO much from them and would NOT be where I am today without their guidance ... I LOVE you both dearly!

1 comment:

Nina Shoals said...

Joni you are amazing and you changed my life for the better.
I never thought this was all possible for me and thanks to you it actually is.
Every week you motivate me and you push me more to try harder.The sky is the limit.
I was just recently talking to someone about you as a person and about your business and we both agreed that you changed us: you NEVER talk about someone, you ALWAYS give 2nd or more chances and you showed us how to motivate us...though your supportive and kind way.
So you are doing everything right!
I am soo lucky to have you in my life!