Friday, December 31, 2010


As I sit and reflect on the past year ... a smile comes across my face! I have lived my life to the fullest and have shared some remarkable moments with some of the most wonderful people around. I have made so many new friendships and let a few "toxic" ones go, all changes for the better.  I look forward to 2011 with a HUGE heart and will try to get more involved with the community to PAY IT FORWARD!
I have had several personal goals achieved ... My first year as a business owner doing what I LOVE...helping people reach their fitness goals!!! Accepting a position with the Town of Sahuarita as their Interval Trainer!!  Placing in the top 5 in my debut bikini show!!! Qualifying for NATIONALS in my FIGURE competition, at one of the BIGGEST shows around (the CA EXCALIBUR) !! I am proud of myself and thank everyone who was there to support me along the way. It has truly been an amazing YEAR!! 
I APPRECIATE you all :)
Fitness 4 Life participated as a group in the BISBEE 1000!!! What an amazing time that was, with somwe very wonderful women ... CONGRATS to you all for just completing it!!! WHEW! 
We had our first annual Charity Challenge ( Lung Cancer Awareness) which was close to so many of our hearts. BIG thank you to those who donated and participated.
I look forward to the year 2011 and helping to get so many people on the path of fitness and a healthier lifestyle. It is a LIFESTYLE ... Make it yours.
Love and good health to you all and thank you for making my job SO WONDERFUL!!! What a blessing it has been getting to know all of you!!!!! God Bless you as we enter 2011 .. xoxo

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