Saturday, June 3, 2017

Days like these

I am a genuinely positive and upbeat person. Look for the good in people and always give them the benefit of the doubt.
Today, I just started crying. Not because I feel sorry for myself or I want people to feel sorry for me. I think, I just needed to cry. I have always been really good about keeping everything in and being strong for the family or my loved ones. Still am , I guess. I just needed to let it out. To cry. To take a moment and ask God for guidance, support and strength.
I sit alone and write this, because I needed to. I needed to get it off my chest and I needed to have a moment of weakness.
I know in the darkest of times is where I will find my strength.
We will be ok and this day shall pass.
The tears I cry today, will be tears of joy soon.
I have faith and I believe .
To my future self ... stay strong. You have a loving husband and two beautiful kids that need you . Xoxo

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