Thursday, June 16, 2016

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day.

Steve's most rewarding job. Being a father. 

When asked what he wants for his birthday or Christmas from the boys, it is always the same answer - a handmade card, one the boys write and put thought in to give to him. 

Being a father is dedication, sacrifice, love, a helping hand, a tough talk about the teen years, a strong hug when needed, a workout partner, a baseball coach, a supporter of whatever the boys want to do and so much more. 

This day we celebrate all the fathers that give so unselfishly of themselves and ENJOY doing so. YOU are so appreciated and so loved. 

HUG your father and tell him how much you love him - coming from a girl who lost her father to cancer in 2002, I would give anything. Xoxo Joni

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Somedays, I am my own worst enemy. I can talk myself out of anything. AND justify doing so. 

NO MORE. I am taking back my "ME TIME" and making me a priority. Summer break started and the boys were off and running and I am partially to blame, with letting them go everywhere. I was the taxi service. I want them to have fun and enjoy their summer, but I want to enjoy my time too.
I have set business working hours for myself and the boys are not allowed to distract me during those hours, after that time, I may still work, but I am available for them. 
I will see how this goes. More than likely, they will not care as long as they are with their friends. They may not even notice I have disappeared for a good 3 hours. Until it is lunch. 

Here is to a great summer!!! Crush business goals. Loving on the family and attending every swim meet and  All Star baseball game. #makingtime #mytime #familytime.

Hope you all have a magnificent summer vacation and make time for yourself. Xoxo Joni