Sunday, May 22, 2016

Just Not Ready

If you read my last blog - you understand how fast things can change.

This is the scene at my house daily - the boys and their friends. Sometimes a house full. Sometimes just one. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind at all - just wasn't ready to be replaced so quickly.

I am the mother of 2 boys. 2 very active boys. I have accepted my role and have scaled WAY BACK on the things I like to do, so I can help them in accomplishing their goals. This too, I do not mind. 

It just hit home the other day when my youngest started receiving text messages from a girl. He turns 12 in 2 days and I'm just not ready for the GIRL THING. All of a sudden, he cares about what he looks like, he wants to shower (all who know me, know this is a big deal for him) he is meeting friends at the park ... I'm just not ready!!!

Maybe it is because he is my youngest, but I am really having a hard time with this. Living in a house full of boys, there is not much "feminine" anything! I feel like the outsider and I am just going through this crazy thing called life, as a chauffeur . When did I become #5 in the family, even after the dogs??? 

I hope this is just a stage and I hope that this stage ends quickly. #boymom #outnumbered

Xoxo Joni

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


To all the moms that have boys - What we never get to do...

We never get to play dress up. We never get to paint fingernails. We never get to play with their hair. We never get to go shopping for pretty pink things. 

To all the moms that have boys - what we get to do...

We get to be the one they will always turn to for comfort. We get to be the one they talk to about girls. We get to shop with them for all things boys!!! We get to not have to deal with drama. We get to be a tomboy and play sports with them. 

To all the moms that have boys - know how very much you are loved and appreciated. They may not always show it, but they know all you do for them. Keep up the great work. I may be outnumbered in this house, but I am QUEEN. xoxo