Sunday, March 29, 2015

Paleo friendly food list


Food Lists
Avocado – 3 ounces
Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
Olives – 4 ounces
Raw Nuts – 1 ounce
Flaxseed – 3 tablespoons
Coconut oil – 1 tablespoon
Chicken or turkey – 3 ounces
Eggs – 1 whole egg or 6 whites
Fish or shellfish – 3 ounces
Pork tenderloin – 3 ounces
Red meat, lean – 3 ounces
Tempeh* – 2 ounces
Tofu* – 3 ounces
Venison – 3 ounces
* This is a legume. Many Paleos avoid legumes.
Legumes & Tubers
Beans* – 1 cup
Edamame* – 1 cup
Lentils* – 1 cup
Parsnip – 2 cups
Peas* – ½ cup
Potato – 1 medium
Sweet Potato – 1 large
Yam – 1 medium
* This is a legume. Many Paleos avoid legumes.
Pretty much any fruit. 
Pretty much any vegetable. Note that string beans are a legume.
Each serving = 50 calories
Due to the avoidance of sugar and legumes, condiments can be tricky. These condiment-like foods are approved by many Paleo experts:
Lemon juice
Vinegar (except balsamic)
Extra virgin olive oil
Maple syrup
Each serving = 100 calories
Unsweetened dried fruit – 1 once
Fruit – 1 medium piece
Seaweed – 10 ounces
Pumpkin seeds – 1 ounce
Raw nuts – ½ ounce
Baked kale chips – 2 cups
Celery and nut butter – 5 medium stalks and 2 tsp. nut butter
Because most protein bars, as well as Beachbody Results & Recovery Formula don’t adhere to Paleo standards, we’ve incorporated their calories and macronutrients into the plan elsewhere. And, Admittedly, this is a thin list, so we encourage you to explore healthy Paleo-friendly snack recipes.

Friday, March 27, 2015

CHALLENGE GROUPS? What are they?

I am a firm believer and holding myself accountable and I love being part of a challenge group, that is filled with strong women, like minded individuals that are there to support and encourage me on my journey. This is what we do in our challenge groups. 

Our challenge groups supply you with nutrition, workouts and support, so you will not fail. We are there for you and will answer all your questions on nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. BEST PART - There is a money back guarantee - You have NOTHING to lose. Here is a short video to explain the challenge group even further 

If you would like to join me in a challenge, contact me at or at

Only Love Them

When you get to a place in your life, when you are truly comfortable in your own skin, things that people do and say, seem to not bother you as much. Does that hold true for you? 

Maybe when I was younger, I would let the small stuff bother me and now I see it for what it is, small stuff. I have learned that in life, I am the one that controls what gets me upset, what control my day - not what other people say or do. It is my reaction to their actions/words that is what is important.

God just asks us to  love them, not impress them . xoxo  Joni

Friday, March 20, 2015


ATTITUDE! Such a BIG word! Some have a positive attitude. Some have a bad attitude. Some just have attitude.

 You can only change your attitude when you accept that things do not always go your way and that life deals you what you think about. If you think things are bad, they will be. If you think things are good, they are. YOU deal your circumstances in life and if you do not like them, take control of them. Change them. No one makes you miserable in life. You make yourself, miserable. Choices. 

How you start your day will most certainly have an effect on the rest of your day. Try to look on the sunny side of life and just see how your life changes. The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your ATTITUDE! xoxo Joni

Friday, March 13, 2015


This post goes out to all the girls that JUST WANNA HAVE FUN. The drama free, easy going, laid back, live life out loud girls. 

The older I get, the easier it is to spot positive people and to surround yourself with "like minded" individuals. Those people that just know how to have a good time doing nothing at all. I would like to think that as I grow, my choices in life have matured and I gravitate towards those people that have a zest for life. Live your life to the fullest. Surround yourself with positive people. Love those who love you. Celebrate all the moments in your life. TRULY celebrate them. xoxo Joni

Monday, March 9, 2015

A Life You Love

Define a life you love. Really love. I wake up everyday with a zest, to see what I can accomplish. Who I can motivate. What I can get my hands into today.

I hear too often people saying that they hate their job. SO did I. I was working in the casino industry and I was miserable. Wake up everyday rushed to accomplish what I could, before heading into a toxic environment. The staff, the players, the food. All of it - TOXIC. 

I vowed to change my life and I worked hard to make that happen. I started Fitness 4 Life (a bootcamp based workout program) in 2009. In March of 2010, I could officially quit my casino business, because I had built a business that was growing and thriving.  Fast forward to 2014, I wanted more, I wanted to help more people.  I wanted to explore other things and thankfully I took the leap and designed a life I LOVE. I am my own boss. CEO of Coach Fit Joni, Founder of Limitless and who knows what I will add on. I do know one thing - I am happy. truly happy. 

If you think you are stuck at a dead end job, you probably are. BUT if you think you can take a leap and try something NEW, you probably can. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

(makes 8 servings, 2 cookies = 1 yellow container

Nonstick cooking spray
1 Cup Old Fashioned Oats
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 Cup unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup semi sweet chocolate morsels
1/4 cup chopped pecans

  1. Preheat oven to 350
  2. Lightly coat baking sheet with spray. Set Aside
  3. Combine Oats,cinnamon and salt in a medium bowl; mix well
  4. Add Applesauce, morsels and pecans; mix well
  5. Drop by heaping Tbsp onto prepared baking sheet; flatten with a spatula
  6. Bake for 14-16 minutes or until firm.