Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Exceeding Expectations

I had to share this with you .... I work part time at Desert Diamond Casino ( and when I say part-time, I really mean once a month :)). Well, every now and again they have mandatory meetings and of course, I think to myself .. 'Here is TWO hours of my life I will never get back!' SO not the case today .. I actually enjoyed my MANDATORY meeting, THANKS most in part to the speaker .... Brad Worthley!! AMAZING!!!! Honestly I looked at my watch one time and it was 3:10, REALLY??? I have already been here for an hour and 10 minutes? and still paying attention? HE IS GOOD!
He reminded me that as a business owner, while I cannot change other peoples way of thinking, I can change ME and the way I re-act to their behavior. I was also reminded to never let any ones attitude affect mine. And why should I?  I LOVE life!!!
I recently had a NEGATIVE post put on my Fitness 4 Life page, and while initially I was upset about it ( because you know girls, words do HURT), I now want to thank her. Without her post, I would not have become closer to alot of my clients. I would not have been able to realize just how important my FAMILY time is. I would not have THANKED all of my bootcampers for being AMAZING individuals!!! I would not have realized that going forward, I, as a business owner will be MORE giving! I would not have seen how supportive my clients are of me. I AM SO BLESSED to have an amazing job and such wonderful clients in my life!
As I walked out of this MANDATORY meeting (that I earlier thought was the certain death of me ) ... I realized that I, too can learn from this NEGATIVE experience and be a better wife, mother, personal trainer and friend. I was actually smiling leaving the building .... I SAT through a mandatory meeting and ENJOYED it!!!!
If you ever get the chance to listen to Brad Worthley ... I highly recommend it! He has reminded me of the little things in life that matter .... It isn't about who is right or wrong.
I want you to walk away from FITNESS 4 LIFE bootcamp and tell your friends ... This is one of the best bootcamps ever! and she lets you come the first time free!
I also will be giving everyone that participated in the 8 week challenge a FREE MONTH of bootcamp!!! Just my way of SAYING THANK YOU!!!
I want to take the time to thank Ernie Villegas and Karen Mullarkey (my trainers) for always being so supportive of me and my training... I have learned SO much from them and would NOT be where I am today without their guidance ... I LOVE you both dearly!