Wednesday, March 4, 2020

For the love of your child

     I remember everyone telling me to cherish every little milestone in your babies life. They grow up fast and in the blink of an eye, they will be grown and gone. As I am approaching one entering his senior year, I look back and think it was just yesterday, he was learning to roll over. Learning to crawl. Learning to walk. Now, he’s ready to take flight.
     We left Arizona in the middle of his freshman year. To say, that we were all less than excited to be leaving a predominately sunny state to go to a predominantly rainy state, is an understatement. We sat the boys down and they both accepted our new adventure. Spencer’s exact words after 6 months of living in our new state were - “ it’s not what any of us wanted, but it is exactly what we all needed. “  We have all learned to appreciate sunny days and taking for granted that it will always be shining. I sometimes think God must have a sick sense of humor, because just when we thought we had life figured out, bam! “ Hey, how about I send you all to West Virginia?”
     I guess it was last year sometime, Spencer started to talk to us about finishing his senior year in Arizona. To graduate with his kindergarten buddies. To live with his friend, since kindergarten and our third son, Jakob. His parents love Spencer and we love Jakob as our own. I was absolutely against this at first. Coming from a purely selfish reason. I didn’t want to see him go. I knew it was going to happen some day, just not THIS soon.
     Fast forward to now - Spencer is enrolled at Walden Grove High School  in Sahuarita, Az for his senior year. He will leave West Virginia this summer, as we make our trek back west.  Jakob’s parents have agreed to let Spencer live with them to attend the school. This brings me much comfort and am so very appreciative to them always opening up their home. We will make it work. I’m sure I will still have those moments. You know the ones - looking at pictures of when he was little. Tears forming in the eyes. And then it starts to flow.

     I’m excited for him. I love that he is so independent. A great student. A good kid. Thank heaven for FaceTime and cheap fares to Arizona. I love you Spencer and am so proud of the man you are becoming. I’m going to cherish these last few months we have together - bare with me .

Xoxo... mom