Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thoughts From A Teenager

I always reflect on why things happen and the reason or purpose behind them.  I have had a lot of time to reflect on our move to West Virginia. I have always tried to stay strong for the family and to search for the positive things, no matter how small.

My oldest son and I were having a conversation about the move to WV almost a year ago and how it forever changed our lives.
He said, “Mom, it was not what any of us wanted, but i think it was exactly what all of us needed. “

WOW!  I paused for a moment.

He follows up with. “ I know personally, I will never take anything for granted again . When we move back to Arizona, it will feel like everyday is a gift. A vacation.” ❤️

We all look forward to the day that we can move back west, but until then, I will keep being appreciative of the fact, that my family is all together. We are blessed and we are ready for the next chapter of our lives.  ðŸŒµðŸ’™

All my love. Joni