Friday, April 13, 2018

Create Your Own Happiness

We moved to West Virginia the day after Christmas, 2017. It is now April 13, 2018.  During that period, the sun peeked out approximately 5 times.
We moved from Arizona, where the sun shined approximately all but 5 days. An adjustment to say the least.
I am a firm believer in the philosophy - you are as happy as you choose to be; however, a little sunshine never hurt anyone. Until today ( it was a beautiful, full sun, 80 degree day) I was beginning to wonder if I had started to slip into a slight depression state.  I’m going to say, God must have noticed and let the sun shine down! Thank you Jesus!
I like to think of myself, like these flowers - resilient. They have bloomed, been through snow showers, heavy winds and then buried in snow again. Still blooming bright today, for my happiness.

Thank you God - beauty is all around me. I just have to learn to appreciate it.
xoxo Joni