Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thoughts From A Teenager

I always reflect on why things happen and the reason or purpose behind them.  I have had a lot of time to reflect on our move to West Virginia. I have always tried to stay strong for the family and to search for the positive things, no matter how small.

My oldest son and I were having a conversation about the move to WV almost a year ago and how it forever changed our lives.
He said, “Mom, it was not what any of us wanted, but i think it was exactly what all of us needed. “

WOW!  I paused for a moment.

He follows up with. “ I know personally, I will never take anything for granted again . When we move back to Arizona, it will feel like everyday is a gift. A vacation.” ❤️

We all look forward to the day that we can move back west, but until then, I will keep being appreciative of the fact, that my family is all together. We are blessed and we are ready for the next chapter of our lives.  ðŸŒµðŸ’™

All my love. Joni

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Friendships that are just easy

My kinda friendships ... the easy going, fun loving, up for anything kind of gal. 

You don’t have to try to outshine the others or put them down to stand out. You just simply do. 

We hike, we paint, we spartan, we laugh, we drink wine and we share laughs at no ones expense. 

They brighten the room they enter. Never making anyone feel less tthan. 

They listen. They support. They encourage and they celebrate with you. 

They tell stories instead of gossiping. They share life events. They never have to be someone they aren’t. It’s just easy. These are my people. Love you girls! 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Create Your Own Happiness

We moved to West Virginia the day after Christmas, 2017. It is now April 13, 2018.  During that period, the sun peeked out approximately 5 times.
We moved from Arizona, where the sun shined approximately all but 5 days. An adjustment to say the least.
I am a firm believer in the philosophy - you are as happy as you choose to be; however, a little sunshine never hurt anyone. Until today ( it was a beautiful, full sun, 80 degree day) I was beginning to wonder if I had started to slip into a slight depression state.  I’m going to say, God must have noticed and let the sun shine down! Thank you Jesus!
I like to think of myself, like these flowers - resilient. They have bloomed, been through snow showers, heavy winds and then buried in snow again. Still blooming bright today, for my happiness.

Thank you God - beauty is all around me. I just have to learn to appreciate it.
xoxo Joni

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Just a flag waving in the wind. Little did I know what I had signed up for. This was the Utah Super and it was about to kick my ass!

I did not train in the altitude and did not realize how much of a factor it was. I finished that race with the help of some great friends and pure grit!

I want redemption. I know I am stronger than that and I am going to push myself and complete the West Virginia BEAST. That is 12-14 miles and 30-35 obstacles!!! AM I CRAZY??? Yes, a tad. BUT, I need to do this for me! Utah broke me, I'll be damned if West Virginia is going to get me! I am training and I am giving my all. This race will complete all 3 races - Sprint, Super and Beast. Check off my bucket list.


We have a team! My crazy friends from Utah are joining me and we would love to have you join us. Summit at Bechtel Reserve ... contact me for team name #AROO

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Move Across Country

We have always discussed and planned where we were going to live, where we were going to raise the children. We had it all planned out.

Life came at us hard and gave us a detour. The decision was no longer ours, as to where we were going to live and raise our children. It was now a necessity to accept a job in perhaps some random place. We found ourselves having to sell, the house we just bought, and move cross country.

I grew up in the country. Small town living in rural Wisconsin. I know what the 4 seasons are like. We had plenty of snow days and plenty of sunshine. I was prepared mentally for this move to be somewhat like that of my childhood.

We had been in Arizona for close to 13 years. I refer to it as home. The majority of my friends are in Arizona. It is all my boys have really known. It is home.

Pulling up to our new home in West Virginia in the freezing days following Christmas 2017, I was pleasantly surprised. It was beautiful and soon there after the snow was falling and giving my scenery a beautiful new look. I have not yet adapted to the remoteness of our location. BUT I do love the community that we are in. I am looking for the beauty surrounding us continually and am looking forward to spring, as I see buds on the flowers in m front yard.

I can choose to be miserable or I can choose to make the most of this situation. I choose to be positive. Love my life and wonderful family. I will explore the area and I am sure within no time, I will love it here too.

Choosing to find the beauty
Choosing to be happy
Knowing God placed us here for a reason

xoxo Joni