Monday, May 22, 2017

Do the right thing

We have had some changes happen recently in our family. Changes that were completely out of our control. Changes that left me questioning some of my friendships.

If you think that what you say behind closed doors is kept there, then I have an ocean front property to sell you in Arizona. People like to talk. And cause drama. This is were I cut the drama out of my life. Ain't nobody got time for that!

The fact that there are people out there, that honestly do not see the harm they cause to other people. If you open your mouth and words come out that are not kind - you would benefit by saying nothing at all. If by saying nothing at all, would end up hurting a friend, then you had better speak up.

Stand up for something or FALL for everything.

Friendships start with a fun exchange, but over time, I think you learn who your real friends are And who you can count on, no matter what. The "real" people. The ones that keep it honest. Never change who they are to please anyone. Accepted for who they are, because you know when push comes to shove, they would have your back. Do they right thing, even if no one was watching.

Donate without putting your name to it.
Volunteer without expecting praise.
Love without wonder.
Smile even when no one smiles back.
Do the right thing.