Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Best decision EVER!!!

For years, I worked in the casino industry. Dealing cards, craps, poker, and any game that involved cards. I would get promoted up the ranks, only to get more money and deal with more bull shit. The higher you go, the more you make, the easier the job, but more taxing, if you get my meaning. DRAMA! 
My decision to walk away from the casino life was the best decision, that we have ever made. I needed to be home to raise our children, I needed to stop having migraines, I needed to get out of that unhealthy environment, I needed to find "real" people that actually cared about you, not about what you could do for them. It's amazing, because I still see this today with people trying to take advantage of my husband. Nope, not working. 
I have left all the negativity behind. Have surrounded myself with positive people and have cut some relationships out of my life, because they were toxic. I live my life to the fullest, excited every day to awake and CONQUER! 
Beachbody - WELCOME!!! The positive energy, the support, the friendships, the motivation, the togetherness. WE are family. We are a healthy relationship. It is my passion and I want to help each and every person I can. We honestly care about everyone reaching their goals. I do not push products, workouts or nutritious shakes, but I would LOVE to tell you about how you can be a part of this 
amazing family and start living the life you were meant to live. 
Email me Arizonijoni@yahoo.com In the subject line, simply type .... It is time