Friday, December 9, 2016

Christmas past

Maybe I have been watching too many Hallmark Christmas specials, maybe I just get "it" now. The meaning of Christmas. The joy it brings. The love in the air. The smiles on the faces. The feeling of giving.

When I was youner, I remember asking for a Ruby ring ... I never received the ruby ring, I got a sapphire ring, because that was my birthstone. I couldn't find the beauty in it, because it was not what I wanted. All I could do is dwell on the fact that I asked for a ruby and I got a sapphire. Never once thinking of the thought that was put into that ring. Never once thinking about anyone else, but me.

This Christmas, I am so thankful. Thankful that I am not that spoiled little brat. That unappreciative child. The one that couldn't see the bigger picture. Christmas is about SO much more than a list of material things and WANTS.

A friend asked me what I wanted .... I stopped and thought for a minute. There is nothing I want or need. I have it all. Everything I need - I have. Everything. Everything that matters.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas. Feeling blessed this Christmas season.