Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Don't be THAT kid

We have been a baseball family since the boys could attempt to swing a bat. We have watched them in T ball, minors, majors and now school and club ball. It is and hopefully always will be, a part of who we are. #baseballfansforlife

I want to share this story with you, because as a mom of a ball player, I think it is a good reminder to our kids and to us. 

It was spring ball. The ball was hit to centerfield and the boy running up to make the catch, overshot. The ball dropped behind him and the tantrum started. Complete melt down. We sat there and watched as his mother stood up and yelled "Don't be THAT kid!" 
She looked over to us and said "right? " 
We agreed. 
And I chuckled. I think you need to let your children know that mistakes happen. PRO baseball players make mistakes and how they deal with them, is what makes them champions. I love that this mother stood up and shouted that out. It was in fact, what all of us watching, were thinking. This boy was a great ball player, he just made an error and handled it badly.

Now for the parents .... Don't be THAT parent!
 You know the one. The one that is complaining to the coaches about their kid not playing or not playing the spot you think he should. If you want your kid to play more, practice with him, so that he gets so good at the game, that the coach can not overlook him. 
I know we all think our kids are the best, but we need to be realistic and honest. 
The coaches are doing this for the LOVE of the game and are not getting paid, the last thing they need is parents making it more difficult for them. 
Let the boys play ball.
That really is all they want to do.
Don't make it harder than it has to be.
Don't be THAT parent. 
Of course - We have the best kids and parents on our team! ⚾️❤️⚾️😀