Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Taking in the beauty

I have always enjoyed hiking. 
 In my younger years, I would hike to a certain spot to sit and enjoy some wine and cheese, while taking in the scenery and enjoying the company. I still enjoy doing that, but now it is more for the workout and less about the wine. I like to challenge myself and there are plenty of trails around here to do just that. 
This is from Camelback Mountain in Scottsdale, Arizona - such a beautiful view and certain worth the steep climb to the summit. A somewhat cooler than normal wind at the top and views for miles. It has two different paths to get to the summit - we seem to always take the more challenging side of the mountain, only because, that is what we are used to. Either side has it's own challenges. A must see, when in Scottsdale, even at the base. 

Another beautiful hike is Sabino Canyon - more flat land and more mileage, but roughly takes the same amount of time. The pictures below are from our hike to the Seven Falls Waterfalls in Sabino Canyon - 8.7 miles round trip and a very doable hike. I never would have imagined the beauty hidden in the mountain side. I am definitely going to hike this one again - the waterfall was breathtaking. There was a guy that went swimming in the pool of water at the base. I did not get in, but the water felt very refreshing. Arizona has so many beautiful trails to hike. What a beautiful world - thanks to our creator. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Spartan SUPER Utah

I first want to start by saying ... There is no other family I would want to do this race with. 

With that being said, I do not think I will EVER do the UTAH SUPER SPARTAN again. I have this bad habit of thinking I can do anything and without hesitation, saying Yes, to whatever challenge is thrown my way. I did not prepare for this race and was just winging it. 

The Positives  
  • I only had to do 60 Burpees. For those of you who do not know what that means, I failed only 2 of 24 obstacles. I was rather proud of that! AND I thank Chris Lamb for assisting us girls (which was allowed on the tall walls) 
  • I had great company to run, walk, jump, moan and swear (yes, a couple of times) with and made the race so much more fun!
  • I completed the Arizona Sprint (4.5 miles, 21 obstacles) in 2015. I wanted to do a SUPER (8.7 miles and 24 obstacles) and did! 
The Negatives
  • I did not train for this and NEVER realized that elevation was THAT much of a factor. Lesson learned. 
  • Dirt does not taste good at mile 1, or at mile 5, or at mile 8.7 . Lack of water makes for a very thirsty girl and I replenished as soon as I made it back to the car. 
  • Jumping on the last obstacle (the rope climb) and realizing when you look down at the ground, that you are literally 2 inches off the ground and can go no higher. #truth 
Through it all - I am happy I have completed 2 Spartan races and anyone who knows me, knows I will complete a Beast to get the Trifecta. Just needs to be done. AND yes, I will try to pick flat land. #AROO