Wednesday, July 6, 2016


The greatest baseball players you will ever know - your children. Encourage them, help them be as good as they can be, be with them, be the example, but most of all at the end of the day, win or lose, tell them you love them, for they are the most precious gift God will ever give you. - San Jose Athletic Association.

Alex is a great ball player and we encourage him to go after his dreams. He is without question, harder on himself, than anyone could ever be. He pitched 6 innings last night, and got 11 strikeouts - His at bats were 0-2, then got up in the 5th inning and hit a double to score our first run. We ended up winning the ball game 4-0.

I share this with you, because Alex had a moment in the game after his first at bat, where he walked away and slammed the bat down on the ground and got tears eyed. After the game, Steve and I talked to him about sportsmanship and before we could finish, Alex interrupted and said - I am not going to get disappointed about batting, I had an off night and I should not have reacted that way. It will happen and I know I will be hitting great next game. 


Learning through every play in baseball and life. Failure is growth. Accept and move on.