Friday, October 16, 2015


As I get older, I realize how very important it is to UNPLUG. To be there, in the moment. To cherish the time we get with our family. 

Last night laying in bed, I usually read before I turn off the lights and settle in. My youngest was laying there with me, and turns to me to say. "Oh, you're reading again, I don't want to bother you mom, just wanted to cuddle." I got tears in my eyes. I quickly closed the book, held him close and reminded him, that HE was one of the most important things in my life. That, I will always have time for him, his brother and dad. Nothing I am doing, NOTHING, can not be stopped for my family.

I want to just remind all you moms out there. Cherish the moments with your children. They grow up so fast ( I know you hear this a lot, but it honestly, is so true. I questioned it when they were two ...)  One minute I am rocking them to sleep and the next, they are too big for me to lift. I am the CEO of my own company, so I set my own hours and I stick to them. Sometimes that means missing out on things that would benefit my company or my growth - but I will never sacrifice my family or the time with them for anything. An email can wait. A voice message will still be there in the morning. A text doesn't disappear after a minute. UNPLUG when needed and ENJOY those moments. 

Love to you all. xoxo Joni