Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Summer Break

Do you have time for you? Do you make time for you? 

I have noticed (as you probably did with my lack of posting) that once school got out, I found it hard to manage my time and find what worked for me, my family and their crazy, busy lives. 

One boy is on the All Star Baseball team and one is on the Swim Team. Practices, games, meets and volunteer hours, all come along with the privilege of being on the team. I am happy to do my part, just find that what I once prided myself on (time management), I am having problems managing.

AND to this I say ... OH WELL!!! It will pass. Enjoy the moments that you will never get back and appreciate the fact that you have active children! Live Life Loud is my motto and I think the boys have taken a chapter from my book. As parents, Steve and I are super proud of their accomplishments and look forward to being their biggest supporters throughout their life.

ENJOY the Summer and ENJOY the moments. They go by WAY to fast. xoxo

I am blessed to be my own boss and can adjust to their schedule ... if you are interested in learning how you can work from home and be present in the lives of your family ... contact me at with SUBJECT: Freedom